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About johnh101

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    Advanced Poster

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  1. Last time there I was propositioned walking through the night market at Batu Ferengi Beach by two lovely Malay girls. Unfortunately the wife was about 10 paces behind me and put a stop to that quickly. Not the place I would go for PiP but they are there.
  2. Tropical Berts is just around the corner, close enough to the action without it being in your face. Nice rooms, nice friendly bar, that you may even see the occasional expat woman in.
  3. It certainly sounded like pimping to me. But back to the original post..... I was offered a virgin once, yes true, 100% Thai Virgin.......... She had never fucked a falang !
  4. Brilliant first post ssornek. A taste of things to come ? ? ?
  5. Sounds like the kind of moaning old git that you wouldn't want in your bar anyway ! "Would not Return" Probably would not be missed either !
  6. Basset ??????? WTF does that refer to Bertie ? Big Ears? or are you trying to suggest that your dick scrapes along the floor ? ? BTW China is lovely !
  7. Quick Question.......... What do Female Suicide Bobmers get when they go to Heaven ?
  8. I would tend to agree with the sweat shops statement. I have yet to meet an indian tailor who actually makes anything, they send the measurement and the material to somewhere in the back of Pattaya Tai where there are rows and rows of seamstresses 24 hrs a day. My wife told me that "Burda" Tailors was different (they are opposite Friendship Supermarket) she syas they do there own. All else I know is that they are Chinese Thais.
  9. Try "Tropical Berts" around the corner. It is just before Soi 6 / 1 off second road. Bert used to be the manager of the Queen Vic. www.tropicalberts.com
  10. http://www.customs.go.th/Customs-Eng/House...nuNme=HouseHold Have a look at the rules and regs on the customs department website, having done this myself I found that the import companies seem to make up their own rules but back down when shown the truth. Also prepare to pay some "Tea Money" to get anything out of the customs warehouse.
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