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Everything posted by sparkydave

  1. just 16 days and 3 hrs until i land in Bangkok
  2. arriving in 17 days will be checking you out, looks very good
  3. now only 54 days for you to finish now, get working
  4. looking like good progress from when i seen it in Feb paul, only 65 days until i get back looking forwared to seeing the completed place
  5. Paul you are a bad man, this is the next post from Le Party oooooooooooooooppppppppppppppppppppppssssssssssssssssssssssssssss silly me i forgot to mention i have secured 3 unit premises on soi 15 right opposite angelwitch were Mistys will be re locating to "i knew there was something i had missed" building starts on saturday cheez "Le Party" so party still on on the 7th Feb Pheeeeeeeeee --------------------
  6. I hate you Ricky, i dont get there until the 6th, could you postpone for a week mate, i am bringing my 25 yo son and a pal from work this trip as well.....
  7. i have always found mistys to be a very good place to go, i am in CM at the moent but last week went into mistys 4 or 5 times, and seen some very nice looking girls there each time, there has always been a good slection when i go but i do tend to visit early around 9 or 10, so maybe they get BFd after i leave. nowadays i go in with TGF and still find the girls frendly, and find both Joy and wats his name to be good hosts, dont know what the attatud of the OP was on the night they were in, but i have seen good looking girls all over 50 something guys a lot in there soooooooo?????
  8. send to "Ked" e-mail address is sabailodge99@csloxinfo.com
  9. i am staying in Sabai Lodge in November, dont book online, send an e-mail requesting best price for the dates you want and you will get a good discount on posted rates, i am staying in Deluxe Ruanthai which is posted at 2950 (6 nov - 12 nov and 17 nov - 29 nov) paying 1850 a night.
  10. coming down soi 8 from 2nd road you will pass a few small bars and a hotel on your left, just past the hotel starts a large beer bar complex, cherry bar is the last but one, just opersit on the right side is a small shop. here is a link to the map on adams web site http://www.cherrybar.biz/map.htm hope to see you in november i will be there fromn the 4th until the 28th, have fun
  11. I know as of a few days ago Adams computer was still down
  12. I will be there Paul, and before as well, going to be a good night me thinks
  13. just 5 1/2 weeks until i get to see the "elves" again cant wait
  14. How much is the BF for a service girl in your place, I have taken a liking to SG,s in Doll house, one night in Nov I even got drinks for about 5 of them for over an hour, good fun girls.
  15. How much is the normal BF for service girls ??????????????
  16. i had a felling that would happen, but you know that when Duty calls and all that rot, i was relly down over that for a day or so, but hy ho, saving the rest of my trip report untill i get back, will give me something to do, have fun in Jan, and if you stop on long i will see you in Feb, will be getting in around the 8th
  17. hope to see a few of you there, dont want to leave paul eating pork for the rest of the week
  18. As i have to leave this week i am having a St Trinneans School girl party at Lennies on Tuesday 21 Nov and anyone who is in town is invated to come along and make sure that i leave School girl Party at Lennies 21st Nov all welcome
  19. Hi Sparkydave, It'll be nice to see you in during our Wicked Wednesday sessions. BTW, if you come in on Saturday your TQ2 Privilege Card will waiting for you. Cheers, Alf. Thanks Alf, will be arriving Friday evening, and doing the hello rounds of the bars then , so hope to pop in for one with you , but will be back in on Sat night for sure even if i don't make it on Friday........ Only 63 Hrs to arrive in BK add 3 or 4 to get though the airport and drive down then i am THERE
  20. this will be the last wed i miss for a bit, will be arriving in 2 days 22 hrs yipppppppppppppiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  21. I have booked the same room, 2000 per night in november, think it is very good
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