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About nickynohair

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    Junior Poster
  1. after brekkie im off to pattaya. up2u?
  2. Can anyone tell me if EVA lhr> bkk is also stopping off to re fuel??? Wht are we paying extra for the direct flight then???
  3. the best deal i could get is eva £508 (6month)lhr.bkk . Anyone know of a better deal?
  4. need to fly back out to bk in 2 weeks time. any suggestions for last min flights from lhr to bk? does thai/eva do standby??? please advise
  5. Thanks Druid They are coming in about £30 cheaper than Etihad atm. I will check out their website and await any other feedback. PLAID CYMRU
  6. Any of the bm's ever fly with Turkish Air, Lon-Bkk? Any opinions appreciated.
  7. Greg the Sandalay is fully open. Most of the refurb was finished in Sept and when I left 9th the workmen were just doing general tidying up and sorting some of the rubble still left in the carpark. There were a number of mixed families (thai/farang) that were staying and the kids seemed to love the new pool area (jacuzzi in the corner). Due to the work on the beach rd it was a bit noisy even though it is set back from the beach rd. I believe that work is now finished. I stayed in the adjoining apartments for a month and there was the usual soi 2 traffic and the tour buses and noisy taiwanese
  8. Thanks for the translation. I stayed there last Christmas and New year as it was the only place available due to the influx of diverted Phuketters post tsunami. I was hoping to find out if the refurbishment has been completed and are they open for buisness. cheers, danken and Khup jai khon issan nit noi, phut jing laos!!!
  9. henylek thanks for the website but nein spakken deutche!!!! anyone got a website in the engrit speak? haha
  10. do they lift the money from your account when you book it or at the airport then?
  11. Hanylek thanks for the tel. number dya know if refurbishment has been completed? If anyone has an email address i would appreciate it.
  12. HI all, can anyone give an update on Palm Garden Hotel 2nd Rd just before Dolphin roundabout or a contact number or email address? I was told that they closed for refurbishment. thanks
  13. Checkout the Downtown Hotel, 2 mins from the heart of nightmarket. Good rooms all amenities, laundry, resteraunt, car service etc, fair price i think 850 baht standard. gf and discreet staff.
  14. Phantom i replied to the same post in Bktonite. but in case you didnt check. TN guesthouse is mainly backpackers. IMHO having stayed at the TN hotel many times the last Aug 05, i rate this much better on all aspects. GF also. The pool is small but clean doubt if you will get TG in the water for the next couple months as its pretty cold up there at the moment. Another option may be the Montri hotel on Moon Muang Rd, Thapae Gate. approx 720 baht per night, gf, great service and internet cafe. rooms here better than TN but no pool. hope that helps.
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