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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by likeki

  1. Chaiyaphum center has 2 places for night life and I have always had a blast in both places. One is a live music place close to Big C named Duang Dang.....I am sure I butcherd the spelling.....and Oasis Disco in a hotel about 5 mins from the live music place. There are also several Thai Karaokes if you like. I have always been welcomed at all these places and as there are not to many, if any farangs at these venues you can certainly get alot of attention.
  2. How about this one....as I write in the RCC at Narita waiting on my connection. As a 1K I picked one of my rewards as Triple Miles in July, thats on top of the 1K double bonus. So for this trip I get.......drumroll please!!!!!!!!! 77112 miles. Likeki
  3. 23 days, 22 hours, 30 min, 58....57....56...55 seconds!!!!!!!!
  4. This really sucks for those of us that could easily meet the retirement criteria except for the age. 9 years is a very long time.
  5. HAHA Soi 7. You the man. I am aspiring to grow up just like you. Really I am envious!!!!!!! Take Care Brother!!!!!!! Likeki
  6. Soi 7.........following me from the other board I see!!!!!!!!! Your everywhere!!!!!!!! Rich
  7. Gentlemangeoff A fine gesture to pay Mr. Toom, who I have praised in this thread. In fairness to you however check where Mr. Toom says he came from to pick you up and work out a mutually agreeable price. Mr. Toom does not live in Pattaya, he lives just outside BKK. So he most likely did not travel all the way from Pattaya to pick you up. Take Care, Likeki
  8. I have used Mr. Toom alot on my last trip and have booked him for ride up to Thep Sathit in July. He was on time EVERY time I used him and was always easy to reach on his cell phone. I have exchanged e-mail with him on other issues relating to LOS as well and he has always responded. I would absolutly give Mr. Toom the benefit of the doubt on this one. Additionally he wants to meet with the man who missed his pick up. I am sure an understanding can be worked out as I believe Mr. Toom is a good man. Likeki
  9. OK one sure fire way to tell......look at the hands. On a man the Ring finger is always longer than the index finger. On a "Real" woman the index finger is always longer or the same size as the ring finger........ A "Real" womans ring finger is never longer than her index finger But if your close enough to have to use this method you have already been had!!!!! Likeki
  10. Mr. Toom delivers, I got out to the drivers almost 1.5 hours late due to flight delay and Thai losing my bags and he was still there and very plesent. Stopped on way because I wanted some water. First class guy. We did chat and he does get no shows sometimes......he is a small busines guy delivering very well on his word, I would encourage all who reserve him to hold up on your end of the bargain and show up or let him know you made other arrangements. After all when you get right down to it....all a man really ever has in the world is his WORD!!!!!!! Great job Mr. Toom, I will cal
  11. This was submitted by a guy who purchased his lovely wife a "pocket Taser" for their anniversary. Last weekend I saw something at Larry's Pistol &Pawn Shop that sparked my interest. The occasion was our 22nd anniversary and I was looking for a little something extra for my wife Toni. What I came across was a 100,000-volt, pocket/purse-sized taser. The effects of the taser were suppose to be short-lived, with no long-term adverse affect on your assailant, allowing her adequate time to retreat to safety.... WAY TOO COOL! Long story short, I bought the device and brough
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