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Anyone know of or have experience with the guest policy at the Grand Hotel in BKK? It's on Ratcha--- just across from the Poseidon. I'm spending a few nights there at the end of my next trip and thought a bit of advance recce from the vets here would be good to have before I venture "in-country" once again! :D

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Vox -- Thanks for the reply. It's a start, at least, and certainly more info than I had.

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I went to Poseidon last September.

I took a taxi from the Nana to the Grand because i had been warned about the driver getting commission.


The Grand lives up to its name,very grand makes the Landmark look cheap.

Guards every where and CCTV camera's.


I sat in reception untill my taxi went and i was offered a free drink while i waited for my friend.I felt under dressed because i didn't have a suit on.


I doubt that it is "girl friendly" but is it in walking distance of the new subway,

i used it to get back to the Nana excellent less than one pound including the BTS.


Good Luck



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The Grand Hotel in Ratchadipiphisek is all bullshit; yes it has all the bells and whistles, marble, fountains etc on the ground floor but the rooms are dead ordainary. Meet your girl in reception, no problem.

I marched out of there in a huff a year ago; guess what, extremely lukewarm 'hot' water!

Better bet the Siam Beverley down the road; sl. cheaper too.


2 days! rock n roll! & Im in Pat!



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  • 2 weeks later...

A bit of an update for the others, and possibly answering my own question based on what is now first-hand observation. (and my sympathies to "flighty" for his bad exeprience there -- I've stayed at the Grand twice and had a much better go of things).


From in the in-room services directory: "For security reasons, it is requested that all non-registered guests leave by 10:00pm." Looks like they're trying to discourage us, at least. Discreetly placed but still visible security near the entrances to both main and ground floor lobbies.


HOWEVER --- An attractive young lady who I'm 95% sure was from an escort service knocked on the door of a gentleman 2 doors down from me as I was strolling through the hall. Very fair-skinned, without the darker tones of the typically Isan-born guests, and dressed seductively but not trashy. Much laughter and giggling ensued from behind their door shortly thereafter. And no -- I wasn't listening in; it was very hard to miss, and I'm deaf in one ear!. Also, as I gazed out my window at 5:00am the next day before an early round of golf I caught sight of a freshly-showered young lady of more the typical temporary guest appearance at the window of an adjacent room (Grand has some angled outside walls), and with the standard-issue towel wrap action going on.


My follow-up results, for what they're worth. Might not to really be enough to draw firm conclusions, but what the hell.

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