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What's the best way to get money in Thailand? ATM (which american banks have low fees?) Or carry travelers checks?


(In the olde days (last year) I'd just overpay the visa and make cash advances for no fee)


Anybody know of an asian bank in California which has places for drawal in Thailand?

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ATM is the way to go.


I bring travelers checks along but I've never ended up cashing them. The ATM is

so much more convenient (I've gone with buddies while they cash their travelers



I don't have any ATM fee with the Bank of America but that's because I've got

one of their premier accounts.


I'd still use the ATM if there was a fee. The fee would only be a few dollars and

since I take out 10,000 baht at a time that fee is just 1% so it's no big deal.


I asked my credit card (BofA visa) if I would still get charged a cash advance fee if

I had a credit balance and they said "yes".


As for finding an asian bank in the US (to avoid the fee I take it) I haven't seen any

bank in Bangkok or Pattaya that has a branch in the SF bay area.

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I usually use my ATM in LOS and there is no fee in LOS but a small fee with"Wells fargo" which is my local bank and they charge me $3.00 (120 baht) for using a foreign bank. I've avoided fees by getting a cash advance inside a LOS bank, if you plan to do that, bring your passport with you.

chok dee


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Citibank just sent me a notice that after April 1 they will charge a 3% fee for purchases in foreign currencies. Screw them. I'm going to cancel their card. My credit union ATM does not charge a fee nor does my MBNA World Points card.


Hate these damn banks.

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Citibank just sent me a notice that after April 1 they will charge a 3% fee for purchases in foreign currencies. Screw them. I'm going to cancel their card. My credit union ATM does not charge a fee nor does my MBNA World Points card.


Hate these damn banks.

I got the same letter a day or two ago from Citibank. Decided I would call my other cards to find out what their policy is on the exchange rate; same same, 3%. They're going to nickle and dime us to death.

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