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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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According to the rumour mill the developer has run out of money. Building work has stopped but it is said that it will start again around June/July when said developer realises funds from another project.




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There was activity when I was by a few days back




What were you doing out and about all alone your TG told me she was going to lock you up when you got there and have her way with you then deliver you back to the airport

so you could go home and get some rest and recharge for May. :rolleyes: :D

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What were you doing out and about all alone your TG told me she was going to lock you up when you got there and have her way with you then deliver you back to the airport

so you could go home and get some rest and recharge for May. :P :chogdee

She is putting big demands on me and unfortunately I'm due back the end of April. I think when you took her to the male go-go that you made her very horny, she even watch one of the CD's you burned for me. :unsure: :cussing

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