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Across from The Sandy Spring & The Haven

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There is a building on Soi 13 with half-moon shaped windows. What would appear to be the main building is across the street from the west end of The Sandy Spring and the new addition, currently under contruction, is directly across from The Haven. Does anyone know if this is a Hotel or Apartment Building? If it is a Hotel, what is the name, and does anyone know anything about it? Thank you very much.

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Across from the Haven is the Ma Maison, next to it and across from the Sandy is the Golden Grab which is currently in the process of building a new wing which I was told would be finished around January

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Thanks for the pictures. Greatly appreciated!!



Thanks for the name. I guess my memory must be going in my old age.

I could have sworn that as I was eating breakfast each morning at The Haven, I was looking out at the new wing of the Golden Crab directly across the street and Ma Maison was off to the left. Oh, well........ :clueless

Thx, again.


Edit in: Bazzap, After looking at the first picture, again, it would appear they are building it, in my mind, ass backwards. Does anyone see what I'm talking about? It looks like the hallway on each floor will be on the west side of the building and the windows will be facing east, i.e., away from the ocean. Personally, I would prefer a view of the Bay. Doesn't make much sense to me, but, hell, what do I know about thai construction methods. :D

Edited by Samsonite
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