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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.
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Looking to visit some friends in Pattaya in October (not BGs) and am trying to find accommodation near the foodland supermarket between second and central. If possible the city side rather than the beach side of the supermarket between second and third street.

I looked at the Park Hotel but seems a bit down market and the Town in Town Hotel does not bother replying to my e mails.

I want a good base, not just a sh*gging room, bath etc probably equivalent to a two or three star in the UK. Budget of about up to 1500 baht per night. Not concerned about a pool or distance to the beach.Also, I am visiting friends so nearness to Walking street does not matter ( I can always get a taxi).

Any suggestions with websites or e mails would be appreciated.


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Looking to visit some friends in Pattaya in October (not BGs) and am trying to find accommodation near the foodland supermarket between second and central. If possible the city side rather than the beach side of the supermarket between second and third street.

Huh :clap2 Foodland is on Centeral Pattaya Rd between 3rd Rd and Sukhumvit Rd so if you don't want to be on the beach side you would be on the side toward Sukhunvit Rd. Thus you can't be between 2nd Rd and 3rd Rd.

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sorry geography is totally cr*p. My friends have given me Foodland as an approximate location. They live somewhere between scnd and third street although the Park and Town inTown are a reasonable walk distance away from where they live also Foodland . Just trying to get a hotel in that area using only the landmarks I know.

Without a detailed map, it is difficult to pin it down any more and most of the maps just dont cover that area in any great detail.

This any help

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I've stayed at the Holiday Mansion (check out hotel reviews starting with "T"). Top rooms cost only 12,000 baht for a month. Place is about 3 years old and is located near 3rd Rd a little over 100 meters south of Centeral Rd. There was a new hotel close to opening last month just a short walk north of Carrefour. Carrefour is between Foodland and 3rd Rd. Send Soi 7 a PM and ask him if its opened and any details. If your not in a hurry I'll be back over in a little over 2 weeks and I'll check it out.

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