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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

looking for great hotel with Jacuzzi

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Can anyone help?

Many talks on here abut ow good/bad a room / hotel is, but what I would like is to find a hotel room with a bit of something extra (but no girls that way please lol)


In Angles city most hotels now have 1 room or more with a Jacuzzi in it, is there anyway in Pattaya the same, or have I found a gap in the market, have looked around this web site, but no luck yet.


Hope there is, as they get filled up very fast in Anglies and will be over in Jan.


Thanks befor hand........






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I have stayed and liked the penthouse on soi pattayaland 2 the girls all like the place has Go-Go poles Sex swings and Jacuzzis in some of the rooms. Do a search there have been many threads about the place

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It have 2 hotels in Jomtien with rooms including jacuzzi. Asia Pattaya the Jacuzzi suite at full rates 6000 bahts or 4000 bahts with some agency and the Adriatic Palace a hotel that i just added in the hotel reviews. An other possibility is a room in the penthouse with exterior jacuzzi for about 1400 bahts in a swiss restaurant in soi Diamond , i forget the name unfortunately.

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damit wombat, its your fault if i never get a room at the vault again :D and by the way wombat where is your trip report, i know you had company in your room :grin-jump i stayed rigth across the hall so i heard everything :grin-jump :livid :gulp

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I have stayed many times in what i consider to be the best accommadation in Pattaya, and comes with a JACUZZI. Its called Freeway Resort on phratamauk road(hope I have the spelling right) Go along 2nd road heading for the big budah up on the hill near the royal cliff hotel, half way up the hill on your right is Freeway Resort. Not many people know about it, so its never booked out. Its got superb rooms modern style, and a great big JACUZZI. Check it out and let me know what you think. I paid 30,000 tbh per month. Well worth it, rooms much nicer than any of the top hotels.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You are doing like me!

When you have to drive on the left side, it lasts two days until I mix up left and right :)


Thanks for your advice, I'm going to check it!


//Edit: Now I'm sorry, I mixed up the Italian and Irish flag

Totally confused :frustrated


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