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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Fire Guts the Best Disco in Town: In one of the worst tragedies ever to befall a night entertainment operation in the history of Pattaya, the Route 999 nightclub on Third Road (near the junction with North Pattaya Road) was gutted by what appears to have been an electrical fire on the night of Sunday 7 May. At the time of writing, eight people, apparently all employees of the nightclub, died in the blaze and more than 80 others have been injured, some severely.


The fire began around 9:00PM, had it been a couple of hours later the place would have been packed and the tragedy probably even worse than it already has been.

The main nightclubs here in Pattaya are places such as Lucifer's and Tony's (both on Walking Street) as well as Hollywood (South Pattaya Road) and X-Zyte (Third Road), but the fairly recently opened Route 999 was set to become one of the best and most dominant places in this lucrative market.


It was under the same ownership and management as Model Club (Second Road, past Soi 6) and Polo (Walking Street) and, especially on weekends, had a great vibe. The joint was large and staffed by a cast even Cecil B. DeMille would have struggled to assemble in his heyday, with three large rooms featuring hip-hop, a live band, and one featuring dancers capable of grooving without the aid of a chrome pole. Just a week prior to the fire, management had brought down 30-plus good looking dancers from Bangkok. I'm not sure if they were present on the night of the fire.

One wonders what measures will now be undertaken by those in authority to put systems in place to prevent or minimise the chances of something like this ever happening again? After all, there are a few places in town, which I could name but won't for obvious reasons, that appear to be potential fire traps with narrow exits or, even worse, exits with locked doors.


Angels with Dirty Faces: I've so far refrained from making any real comments about the Angelwitch shows-r-us den (Soi 15, off Walking Street) since they opened their substantial doors at the end of January. There appeared to be a lot of problems with the start-up and I thought it only fair to wait until they had settled into stride before making any comments.


A lot of people felt the place was too large for its own good, but I disagree completely. Yes, it is large, with bench seating downstairs laid out in a circular, almost theatrical, style. Then there is a spacious viewing area on the second floor. The design has been very carefully thought out and the finish and decoration (red being the primary colour) make it feel fairly intimate for what is a large space. In no way does it feel like a barn.


Most of the music is good and broadcast via a top quality sound system. The acoustics are good and the music is at the right decibel level, allowing people to talk without having to shout.


The initial problems with the place were the style of shows, primarily a lack of flesh, and the poor quality of the dancing damsels. Management tell me they run a series of 20 shows per night, but have around 35 in their repertoire. This means many of the shows you see on one night may not necessarily be repeated on the following evening. There are currently 15 show girls, and only one of these is part of the original Bangkok (Nana Plaza) troupe brought down to get things started.


The shows usually begin around 10:00PM and most of the girls are very well trained, with quite a few easy on the eye. Their entrances, by way of sliding down the chrome poles from the second floor, put me in mind of a group of apprentice firemen on a drill.


The Vanessa Mae show, involving a single damsel fetchingly attired and doing a passable impersonation of the popular classical violinist, is well worth the price of a libation. It was noticeable that there were quite a number of females, either in small clutches or accompanying foreigners, who seemed to be enjoying the shows.


The sign out front of the den is subtitled ‘rock dancers'. Being unkind, there are a number of the 40 or so non-show girls who look as though they've been subjected to a good stoning, and not with happy weed. Compared to the chrome pole molesters in quite a number of the better dens around town, the majority of the dancers in Angelwitch do leave a lot to be desired on the looks front, but make up for their lack of model status by being a generally friendly bunch.


Overall, I think the place has gone ahead in leaps and bounds in recent weeks and if you are inclined towards show dens as opposed to the ogling variety, then Angelwitch is well worth a visit.


Dancing for Diamonds: Sunday night 28 May will see the resumption of the popular Diamond gogo (Soi Diamond) dance contests, following a hiatus of a few months. On a recent visit to the den I noticed management have recruited a lot of new faces so this should inject even more interest into an in-house dance contest.


[]b]Two Holes to Fill:[/b] The trouble-plagued Wednesday night Quiz League has recently suffered a double blow with two teams withdrawing from the 12-team competition. The first was the long-running Pleasure Dome (Soi Post Office) that is now under new ownership and, according to reports, been turned into a massage parlour. The other scratching is Shagwell Mansion (Soi Arunothai, off Central Pattaya Road), due to a lack of participants.


On Sunday nights, the 10-team quiz league has just completed its latest round-robin series and OK Corral (Soi Rungland, off South Pattaya Road) was successful. Apparently, OK Corral has recorded 54 successive weeks at the top of the Sunday competition.


Ace in the Petrol Head Hole: For those of you who enjoy watching vehicles with two and four wheels race against each other around and around and around an asphalt track without getting dizzy, one place you might like to consider spending a lazy Sunday afternoon is the Ace Café in Jomtien (opposite the Hanuman Statue). Martin, the Elephant Man, is mine host and offers c omplimentary bar snacks and a variety of amber liquids, including Old Speckled Hen, Newcastle Brown Ale, John Smith's Smooth, and San Miguel Light and Regular.


As Scarce as a Pattaya Virgin: The first edition of the 48-page glossy magazine Pattaya by Night, released just over four months ago, is almost sold out, and there will definitely be no reprints. The magazine is to be produced twice a year and has exclusive photos from inside a number of the better quality gogos and boozers around town. It retails at a mere 120 baht and can be found in Soi Post Office at DK and TK Bookshops; on Central Road in DK Bookmart (near Beach Road) and Pattaya Beach Books (upstairs in Tops); Jeremy's Bookshop (Soi Chaiyapoom); and on the internet at www.dcothai.com The second edition is being earmarked for production around the end of July.


Something Old, Something New: One of Pattaya's longest-running dens, Happy (Walking Street), seems to have recruited an almost entirely fresh batch of chrome pole molesters, and most of them look as though they were born to stare in a wall-length mirror. For a while the den seemed to have lost its ability to attract top sorts in substantial numbers, and given the rapid growth in dens in the area in recent times it looked as though they might struggle to regain lost ground. So I suppose it's no surprise the place is once more packing them in from the opening bell until the close of play.


At the same time, the management of the Babewatch chrome pole palace (Soi 16 or Covent Garden complex) have also been responsible for an almost complete shake-out in the ranks of their dancing damsels. The new crew of wallet-emptiers have apparently come from near and far, including refugees from one Nana Plaza den. The joint is starting to grow its reputation and is now worthy of being placed on what seems to be an ever-growing ‘must visit' list.


The word around town is that the thankfully defunct Marilyn's gogo (Beach Road, next door to the Siren bar complex) and parts of the area nearby are to be redeveloped and turned into…wait for it… three new palaces of the chrome pole.

On the site of The Market on Second Road (north of Soi 6) plans are underway to develop the area as another major boozing complex with beer boozers and body massage joints and nosheries. It's expected to take around six months and be ready for the next high season.


Tales from the Crib: An American man was making his first visit to the Land of Chrome Pole Hustlers and wandered into a well-known gogo in Soi Diamond. The man was fairly shy and the manager of the den therefore set him up with one of his friendliest and most forward dancing damsels. The man thought she was a real diamond and paid the bar fine. The pair wandered off into the evening and the next night returned hand-in-hand. The girl was sporting a wide grin and sauntered straight up to the manager, announcing happily in a loud voice, “Boss, he did it three times…up the arse!!” The man shook himself free of the girls' hand as he went a bright shade of crimson.


Piece of Pith: We are responsible for what we do, unless we are celebrities.

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  PattayaPete said:

Two Holes to Fill: The trouble-plagued Wednesday night Quiz League has recently suffered a double blow with two teams withdrawing from the 12-team competition. The first was the long-running Pleasure Dome (Soi Post Office) that is now under new ownership and, according to reports, been turned into a massage parlour. The other scratching is Shagwell Mansion (Soi Arunothai, off Central Pattaya Road), due to a lack of participants.

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Wednesday night league is fine :D


Pleasure Dome and Shagwell Mansion have dropped out of the Sunday quiz. :chogdee



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