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Searched at Customs

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Put me in that 50% group. I have been to Thailand 12 times and I think I got stopped 6 times returning to LAX. The good part is that of all those searches, none were very extensive. Only once did my bag get entirely emptied. I have never had my electronics searched for pictures - even though I had some. I pack in layers, and I am always sure that my used underware is a layer that is close to the top. That seems to stop them unless they are determined, or have a supervisor watching them.


I usually attribute the 50% rate to the fact that since I travel light I just have a large carryon. Well this usually means that while everyone else is waiting for their bags, I am heading out to the customs checkpoint. With no one else coming their way , they sometimes will start work on the only available person - ME. However the last 2 trips (2005), I was waved right through even though I was the only one in line. I think they are getting lazy. Just watch - I 'll get picked after my next trip.



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I usually attribute the 50% rate to the fact that since I travel light I just have a large carryon. Well this usually means that while everyone else is waiting for their bags, I am heading out to the customs checkpoint. With no one else coming their way , they sometimes will start work on the only available person - ME. However the last 2 trips (2005), I was waved right through even though I was the only one in line. I think they are getting lazy. Just watch - I 'll get picked after my next trip.



I would be inclined to agree with your thoughts on this matter. I had my hand luggage searched when I came back from Turkey a few years ago. My case was first off the carousel. Then 2 or 3 years ago, my case was first off the plane and one of the Customs' officials had a chat with me as we passed through the green channel. More than coincidence that I was singled out there.


The only time I've flown with hand luggage only on an international flight was when I came back to Scotland for 2 weeks after finding somewhere to live here. However, as I flew into London and went through Passport Control at Heathrow I simply came off the internal flight to Edinburgh and walked straight out the terminal building without going near any Customs' check point.



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  • 2 weeks later...
When you pass flight conns at LHR before security check you walk past a customs station-probably un manned when you were there.

Yes, I've walked past that several times but don't recall ever seeing it being manned. I have no doubt though that Customs officers will be watching what's going on.



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Close Braveheart, but not as bad. Got me a hardnose last year, making comments on how much I went to Thailand, they gave my bags the once over because they thought my surger suppresors were bombs. What I can't understand is why you didn't fly directly back to Canada instead of having to deal with our Nazi storm troopers.


One thing about the lighters....You can't take them outbound, but you can bring them inbound. I completely forgot that I had one last time I went and their scanner didn't even pick it up at all. Hopefully the lighter ban will be a fond memory before November's trip. I hear Congress are considering it because smokers want a ciarette after 14 hours after sitting on a airplane.

Edited by eltib
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