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hi fella`s ,i have tried to join by e-mail too but did not get a reply,what did i do wrong? :thumbup

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hi fella`s ,i have tried to join by e-mail too but did not get a reply,what did i do wrong? :chogdee2

All things come to those who wait. Sometimes it takes a bit more time than others. Weekends are usually the worst because places like the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security and Interpol don't have full staff available. Once everything checks out with them they have to run it through Mossad, NKVD and the Chinese.


Only after passing the scrutiny of all of these agencies will you be given your magic ring and allowed into the inner sanctum.


In other words don't fret it shouldn't take too long, Pete's probably busy or unavailable. :clap2

Edited by Braveheart
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righto, i will settle in for a wait then. as long as i am on the right road!! i have tried before and gave up so i thought it was something i said.roll on oct. i can visit for the first time in 7 years.ouch that hurt. yep that was what i said 7 years. still on the plus side my divorce party will be a good one :banghead hope too see you all soon!!!

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hi fella`s ,i have tried to join by e-mail too but did not get a reply,what did i do wrong? :D

I haven't received an email from you as far as I know. Sometimes members send email but omit to include their user id on the forum, so I have to skip those. But, at present, all membership requests have been handled.


Try sending another email. The email address is members@pattayatalk.com.

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ok ,just tried to send a message by normal route o/express and it got rejected,i have no idea why ,i am not what you would call useful on a p.c. any help would be gratefully received. :D ,cheers ,chris. right just tried again through the site and the message that came up was 553 invalid address syntax? way over my head,but i know i did not get this off the first email!!! :D

Edited by inkyskin
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I know, your going to be swamped now , but any chance ?

I only have hotmail, but have been a member for a while, and I'm sure that I'm missing out on too much fun .


Walking St blindfolded springs to mind .


fingers crosed

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thank you guys now i`m sucking the right err... thumb!! just got logged on and everything is fine,boy have i got some catching up to do.. :D :D

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