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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Well these things happen in all places not just LOS. I was in Orlando on business and was robbed at gunpoint in my room. I opened the door and went to turn on the light but the switch at the door didnt work. So foolishly I walked into to room to turn on the lamp. Of course the lamp was unplugged (inside job) and when I turned around there where two youths of color (is that PC enough:) ) with a gun. They ordered me on the floor and then proceded to go through my pockets and took everything including my blackberry. They then forced me at gunpoint into the bathroom and into the bathtub. I figured this was it, they where going to kill me. It was all very sureal and I am still very shaken by it. It was so odd and I am so mad that I was not able to react especialy when they put me in the tub, I should have made a move or something but was just removed from the situation and felt like my mind was in mud. My friends all say I did the right thing and that putting up a fight would have made it worse, but it doesnt feel that way. As it turned out after they left I finaly reacted and looked out the window to see one of them (not the guy with the gun) just hanging out laughing with some friends. At this point I grabed an ashtray as a weopon and ran out the door after him. I was able to chase him down all the while yelling police police. Sure enough the police reacted increadably fast and caught the guy. So now I have to go back there to testify against him. But if you can believe this his bail was $5000 but then they let him out on $0. Fat chance he will show up. And will probably try to wack me before the trial. Great!. On a more positive note. I have hired a lawyer in Orlando and she feels that we have a good case against the motel. It is a large chain so they my end up settling with a reasonable amount. Depending, I could at the least get airfare to LOS at the best I could move ahead my schedule to retire there:) Sorry for the rant, basicly be careful out there.

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