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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Has anyone had first hand experience with Fair Properties rentals. I am interested in a 1 month condo rental .

Some of the Condo's on their site fit my bill exactly.

Would appreciate any info on anyone that has had direct dealings with this company.

Thanks in advance


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This topic has been covered before.


Replies range from "wouldnt touch with a barge pole" .."robbing bastards"...to slightly better.."use them but with caution and barter hard"


Good luck,but id stay in a hotel.

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I know Fair properties quite well, and agree with latter part of the above response.


As far as anything can be predictable in Thailand the essence of Fair Properties v others is, for example that if you check into your room and say there isn't a kettle in it and you want one, the chances are they will get you one pretty quick, or say the shower heater breaks down they will get it fixed reasonably quickly,

they do try and provide service to their customers, of course as anywhere you do pay a premium for this.


So if you're coming for a month pay the money for an easy life if you're coming for six months better off doing it yourself. :clueless

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I am in the process of renting a property from Fair Properties also. Before I did, I posted a question on the board a couple months back and the responses by and large were not terrible. I haven't as yet seen what I will get - the rental is for later in the year - but so far I have found them to behave professionally and promptly. If I find after renting the property that there are serious problems, or if they screw with my deposit, then of course I will post my experience on the board. I suppose, to be fair, I should also post my experience if it is pleasant.

As for prices, well I posted my requirements here on the board and did not get any response from owners. Helpful board members did suggest some apartments, but they either were not what I was looking for, or were too expensive. To sum up, I did not find Fair Properties to be significantly more expensive than any others.

One property manager (in Naklua) I contacted directly was far less pleasant than Fair Properties. He refused to give me an apartment above a certain floor or with a view, and I gave up in disgust.

One drawback with Fair Properties is that they want the deposit wired into their account, which can be expensive.

I would suggest taking a chance with them - from what I read here they will not be terrible, so even if the experience turns out to be not the best you can still live with it.

At least that is what I am hoping for!

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Thanks for the replies

Hotels I don

t do anymore when I travel out of the country ,which is the only time I travel.

Apartments are the only way to go for me.

Residence Garden got old and way to noisy.

I have stayed the last 2 years at Arglye Aparments which is where I'll probably stay again next year .

I just viewed some really nice place with Fair Properties.

Oh well no rush, I'll wait for Trvlr's feed back before I make my mind up.

Thanks again for the replies


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Joker, just be aware that I wont be there till end-Nov, so any impressions I have wont get posted till mid-to-late December.

And, since you have been going there, I am sure you are aware that if you need an apartment about that time you should be booking it right away!

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I am in the same business as FAIR PROPERTIES, I do resort consulting. Over the years I have had many

of my customers use this company and have only good reports about them. A lot of people on the discussion

boards seem to attack the big rental and sales people in Thailand with out ever coming toThailand. Yes there are exceptions, but my experience is most of the very big names in real estate in pattaya or totally on the

up and up. Please PM me if I can help you with a real estate question.

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I agred that Fair Properties seem to fit the bill - their portfolio LOOKS good.


Lots of people say "don't use them" but never seem to specifically state WHY not. All in all their comments made me very wary. Perhaps someone can tell us exactly WHY we should not use them by giving an example.


One thing that does put me off is their high mark up. One BM in here uses them to rent his condo and he gets 20k from a 25k rental. IMO 20% to the agent is high. That said using agents is very useful if the owner is out of the country and you have problems.


To the OP if you are looking for a 1 bed condo try this


Condo For Rent

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No problem I wont be there until April 2006. Appreciate whatever comments you have to share bad or good.

Ilovethailand I PM with some questions .

I agree with above comments if any bad business deals let's hear them I would like to know what I'm getting into. Long way to come and not have what you ordered.


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