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I play pool for Witherspoons on occassion (Fridays) and obviously am home and away in the area. Some good bars (a bastard when the rains come though !) and some great people but the go-gos are crap.


I like the area but then I also like Naklua. Perhaps if Mulphy would stop SHOUTING all the time and get a mate to post about how good LK Metro is rather than doing it himself then we'd believe it a little more. Why just re-hash a post made everywhere a month or so ago ?



you are correct,i did post this same post word for word on both secrets and on pattaya chat over a month ago, but not everyone on pattaya talk uses any of these 2 boards, so whats the harm in introducing the soi to these people .


you then go on to say it might be more believable if mulphy didnt keep shouting about it, but thats were i disagree with you. all im doing is describing the place and introducing the place to others. its the others who are making the comments good or bad about what they find.


actually im more than happy with the feedback the thread has created, because the vast majority of posters have positive thoughts on the soi.


im sorry if bar owners in different parts of town dont like to see other areas promoted , i say that because most of the objecters seem to be other bar owners or customers who associate themselves strongly with another bar . not only on here but on secrets as well.


walking st is the main entertainment area of pattaya, im not suggesting it isnt , but its not my idea of the best entertainment area . my taste wont be everyones, but noise pollution, stinking toilets , high prices , hawkers and beggars is not high on my enjoyment list . so thats why it is a good idea to promote other areas.


incidentally, if someone wants to post about any other area of town , i certainly wont get upset. i ll just see it as another good source of information for the members.

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what false image have i given of the place? ive written it up exactly as it is, bar for bar. did i make something up or add a few bars or what? i mean tell me what is false.

How about the heading of this thread?

You continually try to give the false impression that your little Soi is going to be the next major entertainment area, which in my eyes is either deceitful or stupid. It is a nice little neighborhood, like many in Pattaya



100 metres long you reckon, id say a good bit longer than that, remember its an L shaped soi , with 2 sides.

I dunno - I remember walking it in a few minutes.



relevantly speaking you say there are not that many bars or restaurants. relative to what?

Walking street that you keep trying to equate it to.



so if you dont like the soi and surrounds fair enough, but to come on here and give false information to others because you dont like the soi ,or are annoyed at someone promoting it is not very clever, is it ?

I never said that I did not like the Soi, only the false impression that you are trying paint about it.



also to all you posters out there, why do some of you get pissed off when somebody promotes something?


its information for the masses and thats what this board is for, information.

It's about fair and honest information and opinion, not posters who have a vested interest trying to give a false impression of their area.



oh before i go, i better explain to you about thaibird, or charlie, the belgian guy who owns mai lu si bar in soi l.k.metro. he is the original poster on secrets board who posted that soi l.k. metro was another walking st.

Let me see if I got this right - You have a fellow bar owner near or next to you who has made 5 posts on another board that you quote and then say that it was not you who made the comparison - Sorry, wont wash with me.



so mr magoo,or mango or whatever other names you hide behind, you ll see it isnt me.


i post as mulphy and only mulphy, no need for me to hide behind a name to speak my mind, i just speak it anyway.


I too have only one board name also. It is you that keeps using the pejorative names toward my handle.


Mulphy (Notice I used your correct handle, something that you do not do), When you try to paint a false image of your area and/or bar on a board, you are going to get called out on it.

All of the above is IMHO, of course.

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well we are going to have to disagree again then, because nothing you have said has any semblence to the truth of the matter.


at the end of the day if its your honest opinion , then fair enough, but i think youve misread the opening post and headline,in which members are asked a question, and thats why you appear to be typing things that are not relevant to the thread.


example being ,you think im saying this soi is comparable to walking st, wrong.


the heading says IS IT AN UP AND COMING ENTERTAINMENT AREA,? that is asking a question, not telling people something is a fact.


im not that interested in who you wrongly think that thaibird is . that is upto you , but if only you knew the truth, he is probably my least favourite guy in pattaya , so it is actually funny that you think i might be him.


lastly, im not stupid enough to think that anything i or any other on here posts cant be called out , that doesnt worry me as im only posting accurate reports, no matter what you say.


mr magoo is my affectionate name for you based on the fact that the character was almost blind and by not properly reading the thread you have come to some wrong conclusions just like he does.


its not meant to annoy you or hurt you, so if youd prefer i ll stop using it.

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oh no, say it isn't so... you're the 2nd person to say that.


where did the staff go?


i swear by this -- from May to October, they had some real (female) hotties...



Probably Rodeo Girls - same management I was told - but at 1,000 baht barfine they would have to be bloody hot for me to be interested :rolleyes:

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On forums, using unnecessary use of CAPITALS is called "shouting". You constantly do so and fail to heed requests to desist. It is also much, much harder to read actually.


As for LK Metro, you are the only owner constantly banging the drum. Sometimes banging too hard goes beyond getting the point across and turns a positive into a negative. Just a thought.

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the heading says IS IT AN UP AND COMING ENTERTAINMENT AREA,? that is asking a question, not telling people something is a fact.

You are right - We disagree. It may be technically asking a question, but by parsing words very carefully, it infers that it is a up an coming area, but doesn't actually say so - Thats deceitful in my opinion.


You are like Bill Clinton when he stated "It depends what the meaning of "is" is...

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Nuff said I think on this thred...We seem to beating a dead horse with differences in opinions. Pattaya is Pattaya, wherever we choose to party be it WS, Naklua, Soi Pattayaland, LK, 2,6,7,8, Marine, 3rd road...you get the drift...


This pissing contest is what I was hoping the member's board would not turn into with the biz posting. Not because I don't like the post, but when it is open here on this area of the board, it is open to attack by BM's. And really just read the differences in thinking in the last few days...!!!


Looking forward to having a corner of the board for buz owners, that I am sure will grow over the next few months/years...All the best to the biz owners...

Edited by dotcom_OD
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No matter what everybodies opinions about Mulphy or SoiLKMetro may be IMHO the owners of all the establishments there should have a whip round for Alex,he has achieved more publicity for his SOI than all the rest put together.Not only on this board either,and as they say there is no such thing as bad publicity. :bigsmile: <grin :chogdee

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and as they say there is no such thing as bad publicity. :clap1 :nod :clap2

Not true..having a penis that is 2" posted all over the internet is bad publicity


as for Mulphy.. it wasnt even really a statement. It was more of a question to the board

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I must say that in Champaigne A Go go on Soi LK Metro, a glass of John Smith's Draft goes for 65 baht. Good value compared to what the Pig and Whistle charges. :D


what does the pig and whistle charge.

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Maybe so, but the Birds are a LOT better looking....



I was supposed to go out with a good looking waitress from the Pig and Whistle, but didn't call her back to confirm the meeting time and place to hook up with a bargirl. I sometimes get too scatterbrained in Pattaya and think with my little head too much. :D

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mr mango,

if you dont mind me asking, where in pattaya do you live and where or what in pattaya is your business .

Don't mind at all - I lived in the Jomtiem Condos by Soi 10 in Jomtiem Beach and I am in the electronics business concentrating on Australia.


Doing a little opposition research that you can use for derogatory posting against me in the future?

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My friend sorry to be negitive but i dont think that area will take off!

few reasons mainly drawing power!


But first of great post and i have been down that area.


Think the Issue is that pattaya is to over crowded with Bars and Upstair's apartment with mroe farangs coming to find a slice of there so called paradise.


With Beach road and walking street they are popular becuse off mainly the Main route and drawing power off things close by Ie Major shopping centre, and Bussiness that ay top premimiuns.


Location location location never is this better then pattaya thailand make or bust a business.


Where your area is out of the way between second and third road.


Really only pople get that way are new big staying that area or wiser travellers searching for cheaper or different area's i believe.


Big Business along beach road provide entertainment so they will have the monoply


Only way i can see this Area becoming very busy, is for the road to be shut to traffic and a carnavil experience and all owners off buiness join forces..


But i do wish u well But to me big risk 2.2 million baht in that area.

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I definitely have to go and visit the Rockhouse on my next trip. I simply gotta meet this guy Mulphy in person to form my own opinion. He certainly knows how to stir things up, and I want to develope my take on him to see if intenionally winds people up or this is truly his personality?


And, it does appear that more is happening on this Soi. Isn't this the Soi that the Edens Pattaya will be on? And, it already has Lolita's.



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Don't mind at all - I lived in the Jomtiem Condos by Soi 10 in Jomtiem Beach and I am in the electronics business concentrating on Australia.


Doing a little opposition research that you can use for derogatory posting against me in the future?


not at all, just trying to find out what your experience in thailand was and try to work out what knowledge you have of commercial rents and business costs associated with the running of an entertainment based venue in pattaya, as you posted earlier on the thread about this subject.


however given your answer, it is now obvious that you have absolutely no experience on the subject, and so i wonder why you posted your comments , when you have no idea what you are talking about.


can only be one reason and that is to attempt to wind me up. you follow me from board to board and thread to thread doing this, i dont know why. would you care to explain.

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My opinion is this...........


If its "up and coming" its a long uphill. I just can't see it happening. Its nice there and cleaner but its just always so dead - pople tend to follow crowds, especially in quiet season. If it can't survive the quiet season it can't survive.


I may be wrong and it has potential as a guest house area as its a nice location but I really dont think it will ever become a major player in the "entertainment area" market.

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My opinion is this...........


If its "up and coming" its a long uphill. I just can't see it happening. Its nice there and cleaner but its just always so dead - pople tend to follow crowds, especially in quiet season. If it can't survive the quiet season it can't survive.


I may be wrong and it has potential as a guest house area as its a nice location but I really dont think it will ever become a major player in the "entertainment area" market.



the soi has been in business for just over a year, it has already survived the quiet season . ive been in the soi practically every day in the last 16 or 17 months , ive seen the soi very quiet and with only a handful of units occupied to what it is today . it now supports about 70 different businesses, and is still growing.


i made a reasonable trading profit in my first year of business which ended in november. how many other businesses dont make a profit in there first year in better known locations . my figures are up about 50% like for like on last november and december so far.


now i dont know any other business in the sois financial details, but im willing to bet most are in the same boat as me .


it is clearly an up and coming business area, and is certainly not anywhere near as quiet as some posters on here make out . i mean its hard to make that kind of judgement by just passing through on any one night.


of course its not walking st busy and it never will be, but id be willing to bet its already in the top 5 or 6 entertainment areas in pattaya , which is extremely quick growth for a new area within pattaya.


i am positive it will grow further and become along with neighbouring soi buakhou and soi diana the 2nd most popular drinking/mongering area in town.


there is a massive increase in bars , restaurants, clubs etc in the soi buakhou , diana , metro area and im sure there will be more to come as more and more businesses relocate away from the beach area.


i would make a very bold statement to you and say i think it is already the prime accomodation area in pattaya. its virtually full almost all year round , though many residents may chose to stay here but still drink/monger elsewhere. you only need look at how many board members here and on other forums say they stay on soi l.k. metro.


so of course , your welcome to your opinion , but i believe your wrong and the soi is already putting itself on the map.

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not at all, just trying to find out what your experience in thailand was and try to work out what knowledge you have of commercial rents and business costs associated with the running of an entertainment based venue in pattaya, as you posted earlier on the thread about this subject.

Boy, it did not take you long to use your oppision rerearch against me!



however given your answer, it is now obvious that you have absolutely no experience on the subject, and so i wonder why you posted your comments , when you have no idea what you are talking about.

This one is easy - I simply used your numbers when you told Dave he was paying too much, compared to your operation.


can only be one reason and that is to attempt to wind me up. you follow me from board to board and thread to thread doing this, i dont know why. would you care to explain.

I haven't followed you anywhere. If you note, I joined the boards long before you. I am just calling you out when you make misleading, self serving posts.

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