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Every year I buy my VIP Membership and pay with plastic. No problem.


I haven't tried the new club in Pattaya but since everything is supposed to be the same there is no reason why it shouldn't accept credit cards also.

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Hi Guys,


I should just point out that the menu above is somewhat old and out of date :bow


Marc has now retired and Bruce is now running the Eden in Bangkok, yes they do take plastic.


With regards to The Hell Club here in Pattaya after some ten weeks and daily visits to the bank for the last two we are finally getting our facility to accept plastic :clap1 It is due to be installed on the 16th of this month and I will update our site and posts the minute it is in and working.




PS Just been informed of an adjustment to the installation date so now the 19th as Beelzebubs following post

Edited by Cerberus
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The Hell Club is having the credit card machine installed on the 19th March, so all being well, we should be able to take credit cards from then. The Eden menu shown above is about 6 years old, current prices are 3600 for 2 girls same price day & night. Take away 7000 from 1pm, 3000 after 10pm.

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