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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.
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Updated cost of living in Pattaya ????

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Not entirely a wate of money. You still have the principle earning interest either in a fixed rate account or maybe invested earning even a higher rate of return.
Well this is the TGF talking Emil....


A whole new thread here but interest rates are less than inflation right now...


The numbers given for inflation are a crock, my perception is much higher. Prices seem to hold well in Thailand for a long time then jump in big steps.


Invested.....glad I am not there right now....they have made nothing for the last 2 years (Footsie).

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He is a bit off on quite a few items.


If you have 250 grand plus you can get 9-15% returns on your money forever.


He takes the smallest approach and yeilds in at 4-5 % Nobody with money even comes close to those type of gains.


If any of you are at that half million mark plus USA $$$$ You have it made in the shade forever as long as you do not go crazy and spend like a fool.


Big problem thu as what is happening in the philippines The us dollar is getting Killed so you do need to be a bit carefull but with proper planning You could get by Just fine Forever.


There are so many funds and ETC that yeild 10 % plus yearly its stupid.





Still believe this "easy money" fallacy now??


The one thing we learn from history is that we don't learn from history. Bear markets/crashes/declines have always happened and always will as part of the economic cycle.


Everyone is a financial genius in a raging bull market. :bigsmile:

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As I type this the US markets staged an explosive rally off of -36% high-to-low (last October to last Friday). The markets (plural) were up 11% today.


No one knows what happens next, but there are a great many people paid to tell you what happens next. It's very hard to ignore them all, but you should. Especially if you're the one they want to pay them.


Here's a list of information that reaches no conclusion:


1. If the US had created $1 trillion (1,000 billion) dollars with the wave of a hand and pumped it into its economy, the dollar would crash versus other currencies and there would be an extra trillion dollars in the world, backed by nothing whatsoever. Dollars would have no value at all.


2) But that's not all of what happened. Various European and Asian countries created their own trillions of dollars in Pounds or Euros or whatever to throw into the world economy. So the dollar can't sink against the Euro or pound because those currencies are equivalently "destroyed".


3) I do not know what this means specifically. In general one should rationally presume that this can't be right. If money means something, representing ounces of gold or quantity of products or services, then capriciously creating that extra money has to mean something relative to something. So if dollars won't sink vs Euros, and Euros won't sink vs pounds, then the currencies sink relative to what?


4) I don't know. Gold? Hasn't moved, particularly. Oil? Seems to be headed up, but with the end of the word destroying demand this may not be the immediate yardstick of money. Food? I think so. I don't know how, but yeah, I think food is going to be the yardstick and currencies will fall relative to it.



Edited by Owen`
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I don't know if this makes anyone in LOS feel better or worse. I have just added my Direct Debit payments for a month. Living in London. I won't go into detail, just the bigger ones. Figures are in GBP


Local Tax 140 (incl 31 for GLA )


Electric 70


Gas 54


Water 29


B.T. 55 ( T.V. phone. B.band cnx )


Insurances 53 (car/ house/conts/ life for wife)


With other bits and peices, it totals 527.27. That is 31,620bht before I buy a loaf, or pint of beer.


My Income Tax is 130 a month from my pension. That means I have to save money I have paid tax on, to pay my car tax this month ( 101 for 6 months) + MOT test 50 + Service 150 .


It is my sons B.Day the week before Xmas. Feb in LOS is looking pretty unlikely.


A quick PS-

AS an over 60, I get free travel in London and anywhere in England by bus. Between now and New Year I am due a 250pound heating allowancs. The local Tax is over 10 months. Over 12 would be easier to pay.

Edited by nidnoyham
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