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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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I wasn't sure where to put this, so Mod's, move it where ever you wish, or let me know, I will move it there.


Several months ago I moved from Center Condos on Pattaya Tai, out to the darkside. Lots of reasons which I won't go into here. Since I have been over here, I have been slowly hitting the bars in the area. Most of what I have encountered would not be of much interest to anyone other than expats, and they probably know more about the area than I do, lol. But I have encountered some places that I think may be of interest to some or many of the tourists in the audience, see my post under The Members Bar to the thread titled Swimming Pools for an example.


How about we find an appropriate spot, and start accumulating information about The Dark Side. I would be happy to add information about the places I have visited here so far (I love exploring, some very interesting finds from time to time).


I will say that for the mongerers reading this, don't expect to find ladies out here in nearly as many numbers, and, sorry to admit, not as high up on the traditional looks scale. If you are after 8's and up only, you will be disappointed. But if you are looking for a good time, yeah, that can be had, and can be had discretely, pretty much away from the all seeing eyes of the Bamboo Network.



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