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Krav Maga Self Defense New Class & Seminar

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Self Defense Krav Maga New Adults Lessons start Pattaya.


Monday 8th October Krav Maga Self Defense Pattaya Class starts.


This is a new class for adult beginners or those with martial arts experience in Pattaya who want to come to regular class on Monday & Wedesday's nights, and learn hot to defend themselves with Krav Maga.


For details please visit our website Krav Maga Self Defense Pattaya Thailand


Pattaya Krav Maga Classes will be ongoing & weekly covering Units 1- 10 in Tactical Krav Maga

You will learn Self Defence against Unarmed & Armed (Knife, Baton/Baseball Bat, Gun Threats 7 Attacks) as well as strikes, punches, elbows, knees, kicks, other attacks, and also the "Soft Skills" where we teach you how to Avoid Attacks through Awareness Drills, How to Talk Down Aggressors before they resort to a physical attack, and if attacked, how to overwhelm your attacker with Lethal Krav Maga Self Protection Tactics.






23rd October Tues - 27th October Sat 2007 (5 days training 8 hours daily)


Designed for the person who wants to learn the TKM system from A - Z and who wants to take their training to a new level. This course will cover the TKM system against single and multiple armed and unarmed attackers, applying TKM to situations on public transport. Force contingency will be strongly addressed in this course. Instructor will be Carl Halley of International Tactical Krav Maga College. On completion of this course a person will be awarded a TKM certificate U1 - U10 and be recognised by the International Tactical Krav Maga College.


For details go to our main web site http://www.kravmagathailand.com


This intensive course is at a very very low price and if you pay by 15th October deadline your get a free set of DVDs covering all of the Tactical Krav Maga System.


Also please join our email list so we can sent you an email when we have new courses, classes and seminars at the bottom of Krav Maga Self Defense Thailand just click there and you go to our site



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My buddy and I wil be in Pattaya first weik in October. 20+ years MA experience and wold love to get some private time durin the day. Once I arrive, I'll give you a call. I'd love to learn more about Krav Maga, look like great stuff.



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