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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Micorwave, Art, Laundry Rack, Speakers, etc...

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I'm pricing these for immediate sale as they have to go NOW.


First up is a microwave that's been used 2 times. It's in as new condition and the first 1200Baht takes it




Next is a set of Leona Speakers that are fully powered and sound great. Microphone inputs for videoke and you can connect these to your computer, DVD player and TV. First 1600 takes them!




Toaster, as new condition. 200 baht



Two Laundry racks. 500 for both!



Computer Speakers. This is a great set that includes the bass module and two satellite cubes. Fully powered with wired remote control. Sounds great and as new condition! 600Baht takes them...



Buddha Image. I don't have exact measurements but I'll estimate 3.5feetx4.5feet in size. Very nice and first 2000Baht takes it...



Contact me direct at 0899905828 and come by and have a look. Don't respond here as I might not check this each day.




Edited by OnMyWay
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