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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Visited some Walking Street GoGo's Saturday night. Ratings are subjective and out of 5.


Beach Club - 4/5. Lots of girls, drink prices were reasonable, fun atmosphere.

Club Misty's - 1/5. Great layout and that's about all the good I can say. They must have some special dispensation from the police. Place was incredibly smoky. Lots of girls with cigarettes dangling from their fingers. If you are a non-smoker, this is not the GoGo to visit.

Hooty's - 3/5. Plenty of girls. Most doing more than the Chrome Pole Shuffle and one girl, #69, who appeared to be doing her best to get herself off by grinding said chrome poles.

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Good to get there reviews. The standars and attitudes in the Patts Go Go's change very rapidly and I always appreciate an update. I am however aware that writing a review is a fraught occupation. If you in a bad mood or on your own rather than with a team can make an enormous change to your perceptions. There are times I need to hunt alone and others when I need to be a larrakin and hunt with the pack.

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I have been in all the above quite recently, and similarly evaluation. . . .


Beach Club, I had stayed away for a while as I didn't like the pushy '20 baht or I hardly move and keep my knees tight as a ducks bum' approach. But that pressure seems to have gone, girls are fun, service polite... enjoyed it a lot.


Mistys... great layout and plenty to watch, pretty good girl attitude, but the smoke and overly loud music make it hard to stay long.


Peppermint....same same as always.... well run and an untouched formula. Good service, some real nice girls


Club Boesche... this place has lost it's edge, used to be the 'in' spot, but now nothing special. Some reasonable lookers and the entertainment can be good. The toughs hanging around put me on edge, nicotine addicts can do so upstairs.


New Living Dolls. Good atmosphere and reasonable prices. A bit smokey.


Hootys... it's all on the night, had a couple of fun companions and naughtiness. The stage girls did look listless and there were few customers. Place needs a makeover.


Baby Dolls....naughty but fun, definately not good looking girls but then they aren't paid to display their faces. Worth a try if you are keen to explore.


Windmill Club...very similar to Baby Dolls, previously same management. Place is small but well patronised by the sniff and lick club, good service.


As you wander back from the Windmill, towards Walking street, the touts will assault you. A few of the places on the left, with 'Baby' in the name seem to cater for the Orientals, but some real pretty girls, hard to get their attention apart from waving a fistful of 'pan baht' notes, to get their eyes off the fascinating ceiling. On the right side, the touts have to work real hard, these places have changed little over the years, except in name. They are all coasting until the high season.

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  jacko said:
Beach Club, I had stayed away for a while as I didn't like the pushy '20 baht or I hardly move and keep my knees tight as a ducks bum' approach. But that pressure seems to have gone, girls are fun, service polite... enjoyed it a lot.
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You will notice that the girls will dance sideways on to you so that you can't see up their skirts and will only turn to face you if give them a tip.

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I think the smokiest go-go is Oasis on Soi Buakhoa. Open the curtain at the door and inhale. WOW! They then make it worse by continually pumping fog into the place. Even some of the girls hate it. Barfines 550 and they usually go down to 300 at 1:00 or 1:30 for 10 minutes, except the last 2 times I was in they were short of girls so they decided to make it 400. They do have a 2 for 1 happy hour from 7 to 9.


Misty's looks nice, but it seems a little cold. Not temperature wise. Although last time I was there one of the girls kept trying to stick her pussy on my finger. :D There were a lot of girls smoking, plus some customers, but it didn't seem that smokey in there to me. There are some big titted girls here, as well as some older ladies.


Babydolls is a fun place. A couple of cute girls, most are average. Check out your girl's classification before paying bar. Dancers are 500, Exotic dancers are 600. Exotic dancers show their tits. :allright I think the Showgirls are 700. At 1:30 bar fines are 300. They have a happy hour from (I think ) 8 to 10.


Happy and Peppermint seem much the same as usual except there seemed to me to be a lot fewer cute girls. Maybe the hotties are home on holiday until things pick up. Draft beer available.


Sakura Club 69 is trying to imitate Babydolls I think, but with a lot fewer and some uglier girls. Barfine 500 or 550, I think.


Windmill. Not a lot of cuties here, but they do similar shows to Babydolls. I don't care much for the 1,000 Baht barfine until midnight, 600 after.


Champagne, pretty much the same as always. Some nights free slice of pizza. Draft beer. They have a side stage and a shower room. A couple of the feature dancers are pretty hot, but I haven't inquired as to prices or barfines for them. Normal barfine is 500 or 550. Smoking is mainly in the back.


Lollipop. Only spent a few minutes in there. Similar to Babydolls. Pushy for drinks. Didn't stay long enough to ask about barfines.


Champion. Not sure why I even went there. I think I had to piss. :drunk Had a drink, and didn't see anyone I'd pay bar for.


Club Blu on Soi Buakhoa. A coyote club that has a number of girls, some of which are pretty cute. I forget the barfine, but it didn't seem out of line. So probably between 500 and 600.


Ice on Soi Metro. I can't see how this place is surviving. Another coyote club. They started last month with about 15 or 20 average girls and are now down to about 12 below average girls. The barfine is down to 500 now. Went in last week and the girls pounced on me for drinks and barfines. I think they're desperate here.


Papagayo on Soi Diana. Went in and stayed for 1 drink. Only a few girls. Not much to speak of. Didn't ask about prices. Didn't buy a LAdy Cocktail either.


Betty Boop Dance Club Soi6. This can be a fun place at times. Since it's on Soi 6 you get the play on the sofas and they have ST rooms upstairs. There were several cute girls the last couple of times I was there. First trip had a girl seriously working on Mr. Happy. :D Her ST started at 800 and went down to "up to you", with a promise of cum in mouth. Unfortunately the one I liked best was a bit of a puzzle to me at first. She wouldn't talk to me or come over for a drink. Finally she came over. She had a drink, said she was 20 and was happy to go ST, but no LT. After some discussion she said I should come back in 2 months and she would go LT with me. She wouldn't show me her ID card either. I believe she is 17. She didn't look that young to me.


Mandarin Soi 6. Pretty short supply of girls, although there were 2 cute ones.


Kiss Kool Soi 6. I'm known there, but they were really pushy about drinks, for 3 or 4 girls at a time. One new girl was kind of cute, the others seem like they've been there too long.

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