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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Yesterday, my laptop was stolen from my car while I was at Big C.


Lucky for me, there was a surveillance camera mounted on the wall


near my car, and security personnel were able to give me a pretty good image of the suspect.


Now the police have asked me to circulate the picture to people

I know, to see if they know or have seen the suspect.


I immediately thought of you for help on this.

If you recognize the suspect, please let me know.


I am not really interested in my laptop anymore as it is insured, but


I would just like to get my hands on the person who stole it.


Does this look like anyone you know?


Edited by BigusDicus
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If you find the culprit let me know, I will be happy to post bail.

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