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Need price for root canel and cap

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I must say I have had dental treatment for a broken tooth that was fixed from a dentist in Soi 8, I forget the name but it is near the corner when you enter from the middle of Soi 7.


Excellent job and cost only 800 bhat. As far as the UK goes, I had a root canal done and it was almost free on the NHS. I met one Aussie guy of UK parentage who advised me that he was heading off to UK as he had a UK passport for dental treatment.


He advised me that the cost of the flight and acommodation with mates and family with a bit of spending money would work out cheaper than getting it done in Sydney and he gets a free trip in the meantime.



Your mate won't get it for free on the NHS(unless he's over65)a crown costs £198 ,and its Base metal .Root Canal work costs £198.If he can find a NHS dentist,theres plenty here who can't.

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I think I can clarify several questions that have been raised in this discussion.

1. A root canal may or may not be required prior to placing a crown on a tooth - it just depends upon the condition of the nerve and the destruction of any tooth structure.

2. Generally an anterior tooth (incisor) has 1 canal, a bicuspid has 2 canals and a molar has 3 or 4 canals. But every tooth is different in number of canals, complexity of root curvature, and intraoral access.

3. Most root canal treatments today can be completed in one appointment. However, dental training differs from country to country, certain dental materials are sometimes not available, access to the most current instruments are often not available. Here in Thailand, a root canal may require several appointments and the methods may not be exactly the same as elsewhere, but a competant dentist can provide a well-done root canal filling.

4. A root canal on a front tooth will cost between 2500-4000 baht; a back tooth should be about 5-6000 baht. (In the US, a molar root canal goes for about $900)

5. There are multiple types of crowns that can be made, including all gold, all porcelain or porcelain on top of metal. Each requires different laboratory procedures and the time frame for completion may vary from 2 days to 2 weeks.

6. A full crown will usually be between 8-12000 baht here in Pattaya, as compared to $1000 US.

7. Among the larger clinics, I would recommend Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, or Pattaya International Hospital if you may be in need of a specialist. Many of the smaller clinics I'm sure can do a good job, but you should also keep in mind such things as sterilization, infection control and xray capabilities. :D ThaiSmilePrices.pdf

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I think I can clarify several questions that have been raised in this discussion.

1. A root canal may or may not be required prior to placing a crown on a tooth - it just depends upon the condition of the nerve and the destruction of any tooth structure.

2. Generally an anterior tooth (incisor) has 1 canal, a bicuspid has 2 canals and a molar has 3 or 4 canals. But every tooth is different in number of canals, complexity of root curvature, and intraoral access.

3. Most root canal treatments today can be completed in one appointment. However, dental training differs from country to country, certain dental materials are sometimes not available, access to the most current instruments are often not available. Here in Thailand, a root canal may require several appointments and the methods may not be exactly the same as elsewhere, but a competant dentist can provide a well-done root canal filling.

4. A root canal on a front tooth will cost between 2500-4000 baht; a back tooth should be about 5-6000 baht. (In the US, a molar root canal goes for about $900)

5. There are multiple types of crowns that can be made, including all gold, all porcelain or porcelain on top of metal. Each requires different laboratory procedures and the time frame for completion may vary from 2 days to 2 weeks.

6. A full crown will usually be between 8-12000 baht here in Pattaya, as compared to $1000 US.

7. Among the larger clinics, I would recommend Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, or Pattaya International Hospital if you may be in need of a specialist. Many of the smaller clinics I'm sure can do a good job, but you should also keep in mind such things as sterilization, infection control and xray capabilities. ThaiSmilePrices.pdf


Great reply Dukeman :clap2


Be Nicce



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Obsession, I'm curious, which tooth? If it was a molar, that's an exceptional price. Did it include the cap? Of course, we don't have NHS here in the US, because NHS = Socialism and Socialism = Communism. :D (That's the American public on the left).

It was a molar that already had a cap/crown on it ( dont know the difference). He told me he would drill off the crown and do the root work, but managed to go in from the side and didnt disturb the crown. Phew. Took about 45 minutes. I heard him ask the assistant for Flobo to fill it or something. WTF is Flobo?

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