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Valentine Flowers & Gifts from Isan Flowers for Saturday, 14 February

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Hi All


Save Money on your Valentine Flowers & Gifts (Soft Toys, Balloons, etc) this year at either our Isan Flowers Shop (just off Soi Buakaow - map) or our Website - www.isanflowers.com


Valentine's Day is of course a very important date in any girlfriend's or wife's calendar. It's a time when the gifts you choose for her (and also When, Where and How you give them) can either win you lots of 'brownie points' with her, or put you 'in the doghouse' ! :thumbup

- Roses (red) are the traditional St Valentine's Day gift. We have a great range of imported Chinese (Premium, Luxury) Rose products and (much cheaper but still beautiful) Thai Rose products. Girls will be most impressed by the Chinese ones. I strongly recommend you read our Advice page before you decide what to do - good information there about flower colours, types, delivery strategies, etc


Worried About the Cost? Don't be - with Isan Flowers, you don't have to pay the very high, inflated internet prices for flowers and flower delivery to Pattaya that many of the national and international networks charge you! Our website prices are only a little higher than the local Pattaya prices in our actual flower shop (to pay towards PayPal payment fees and Web costs) (Non-PayPal methods of payment also available)

- However, we have had to increase (until 18 February) the prices of our products in our shop and on our website that contain Roses to higher than our normal levels because we always buy fresh flowers from our suppliers for our customers and the wholesale price of Roses from Thailand flower wholesalers has dramatically increased (as always at this time of year - supply and demand for St Valentine's Day!). We expect to be able reduce our Rose products back to our normal prices from 19 February onwards.


Are you an Expat, or on holiday in Pattaya on Valentine's Day? - Come and visit our Florist & Gift Shop to place your order, or do it on our Website from the comfort of a computer, for delivery or collection.


NOTE: Our Internet Order Deadine for deliveries on St Valentine's Day is 6.00am, Thursday, 12 February (Thai Time) - but please place your Valentine order as soon as possible before this date.

- If you are in Pattaya on Valentine's Day, you can order in our shop later than that - we plan to be open 24 hours a day on 13 & 14 February! (Closed on 15-16 February to recover!)


Are you Away from Pattaya on Valentine's Day? - Order via our Website and you will get our reliable Delivery Service.


NOTE: We will not be able to provide our usual Delivery Photo and SMS text Delivery Confirmation message to your mobile phone for Deliveries between 11-14 February - due to time constraints. (but we will e-mail you!)


Happy to answer any questions


We hope to serve you as our valued customers.


Warm Regards



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