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l have numerous super 8 family movies, up to 40 years old, that l wish to transfer onto DVD. Can anyone suggest how to do it, or have done it themselves before? any1 know where in Pattaya l can get it done? all advise appreciated :banghead

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I personally havent transferred super 8 myself but i believe there are 2 ways to get the job done.


first one is to purchase a film transfer machine (i believe elmo models are available on ebay). This basically projects the movie onto a ccd and digitises it. Then its just a matter of authoring a DVD with the produced AVI file.


The other method is cheaper in that you just use your existing projector and setup a dv cam on a tripod and record/or run dirctly into capture via firewire cable. Then author DVD with your chosen program such as encore.


Some problems may arise with the shutter speed being 18-20 frames per second whilst DVD will run at 25fps(pal). Basically this means you may have to tinker with the playback speed so you dont get flicker.


Remember also that these super 8 formats were of low quality (typically equivalent to VHS at 200 to 300lines on your tv). Just because you transfer onto DVD at over 500lines wont increase your quality.


1 last point to make is that despite what the hype says, DVD's are not indestructable and dont last forever. Burnable domestic DVDs have a variable life span (depending on storage conditions). If your very lucky it may last 10 years. My point is DONT throw the original super 8 away OR make a backup of your DVDs every few years to extend the lifespan(or keep the raw AVI movie on a backup hard disk)



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