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Having a problem lately with burning CD's. After creating a burn list and click on "start burn", all the songs turn a grey color and get "burning in process" for a few seconds and then it goes back to the same before I clicked on the "start burn" icon. In previous attempts, I changed to the brand of CD and used a "clean up" program with cleaning the lens and it was able to burn, but now these are not working.


Anybody have had same problem or how to fix this? Appreciate any feedback.

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you'll have to place the files into the burner window, just like you would if you were making a data CD

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Never had a problem with any particular brand. But make sure you have CD/R or DVD/R and not something more exotic or truly different from that, otherwise you may have to tweak your software, who knows? Princo has been a very dependable burn for me for many years.



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+R or -R?



Probably a software prop, downloading a xpburner will work better than Media, I use it all the time. If you still have a prob, then it is your CD unit at fault, but unlikely

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+R or -R?


I don't believe I've seen a CD+R, only DVD. In any case, -R is basic vanilla, hard to go wrong. For cheapos like Princo, I'd look for that. FWIW, this is probably not the real problem behind the OP, but when you're tracking down problems, make it simple.



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Windows Media Player doesn't give you enough options.

I would be tempted to ask the OP if the drive/ software recognises the blank disc first.

I thought most computers came with something basic in order to get you to fork out for the full veersion.

My current notebook has Roxio, and my last one had NTI, and I got a free copy of Nero off someone.

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I thought most computers came with something basic in order to get you to fork out for the full veersion.

My current notebook has Roxio, and my last one had NTI, and I got a free copy of Nero off someone.


Yeah, and most of those full versions are cr... well, okay, let's say easily matched or better by free programs. I've never thought up a reason to buy a full Nero or Roxio. It's not so much that they're bad (they're bloated and slow as hell) but that you don't have to pay to get legal software that's often actually better.



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Yeah, and most of those full versions are cr... well, okay, let's say easily matched or better by free programs. I've never thought up a reason to buy a full Nero or Roxio. It's not so much that they're bad (they're bloated and slow as hell) but that you don't have to pay to get legal software that's often actually better.



Joe, when I wrote that post I was thinking of you and the idea that one never needs to pay for this software... :rolleyes:
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