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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Is it a good time to buy ?

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Guest cocodile
Thong is if you buy now a decent gaff, you are saving £500 a month evey month in rent ?


Sure you are lumping in some capital, but with rent you know you are toast !!!!


Isn't a thong some kind of underwear, what's that got to do with condos? :rolleyes:

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Isn't a thong some kind of underwear, what's that got to do with condos? :rolleyes:



Its a typo the I is next to the O , it can get keyed in error :chogdee :chogdee :chogdee




I have a mate who works in real estate here, he said some zoom phoned up asking to buy a condo, but he said "it must overlook a play ground" I dont think my mate was joking either :chogdee :chogdee :chogdee :chogdee :chogdee

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It is someone banned from PL who is suddenly flooding this board with posts.
Not sure who is banned I am not, willing to bet what ever you want meet up and collect the money :whistling: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Never lat a fact get in the way of an argument :rolleyes: :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup




Maybe a rethink is required?

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Ok I will try to explain, a UK guy has bought a place for 3 million say, at 70 or 75 to the pound, the condo would have gone from say 3 million to 4 million in 5 or 6 years maybe more, however prices are down 30% he can afford to sell at 47 at less than the original price in £ and still show a profit.


If people are not buying due to exchgange rates where property has risen inline with currency, there has been a correction in prices as the baht has got stronger, I think its a good time to buy but its just my view.

Originally you were discussing someone buying a condo......

Yes, likely someone selling one, that he bought at 75 baht/£, could come out better off now selling it at 48 baht/£... presuming he can externalise the money...and wants to, as he lives in the UK (PS he might be liable to capital gains tax then!) .


Even in the quoted response you claim his condo has gone from a value of 3 mill to 4 million, but then say prices are down 30%



I agree prices are down in the market... could be a good time to buy... for an Australian.

I agree the baht has appreciated about 31% in £ terms in the last 5 years..(70 to 48)

The reality is those 5 million baht condos that used to be around 3-4 years ago look pretty damned expensive these days.. even to the guy who bought one :chogdee

Edited by jacko
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I have a mate who works in real estate here, he said some zoom phoned up asking to buy a condo, but he said "it must overlook a play ground" I dont think my mate was joking either :clueless :kissing :kissing :whistling: :kissing


Scout for Arsenal?



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