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They also installed them on 3rd Rd, Pattayaklang and Pattayatai. A couple days ago I was crossing on 3rd Rd and the cars and motorbikes stops that were going southbound. I then proceeded to cross while another falang was crossing on the opposite side of the road when 1 motorbike whizzed by me in the back that was going northbound while another passed by me in the front. I think I'll continue to jaywalk until the police start issuing fines for those that run these lights.

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While driving around town every day for the last year or more I have seen at least 10 - 20 "red light runners" every day. This is at major intersections with the normal traffic lights.


Why does anyone think that the pedestrian lights will change that behaviour?


Dont walk, drive ..... but take something STRONG first :chogdee


Cheers :chogdee: Admiral Ken

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They're fucking noisy too!


Was sat at a beer bar on Second Road, right beside the push button for Pedestrians. They emit a sound similar to a car alarm for blind people I guess.


Was still better than the music at Insomnia though.

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There are two on Jomtien Beach Road, too. One by the entrance to Jomtien Palm Beach Hotel, and the other by Soi 5. I've watched the various antics, and traffic generally tries to avoid any pedestrians trying to cross, but mostly it doesn't stop at the lights. One of these days there will probably be a nasty accident, sad to say.

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Hi guys, as many of you may know they have recently put up "traffic lights" on Beach Road and Second Road. At strategic locations they have lights with a button for the pedestrian to push. Like 15 seconds later the auto traffic will have a red light and the pedestrian the green light to walk.


BUT DO NOT RELY ON THIS!! On Beach Road most (but not all the cars) will stop. But I have observed that on Second Road near Big "C" and Soi 6 area most cars DO NOT STOP for the red light! Many even speed up when they see a pedestrian crossing! So please be very alert when crossing the streets here!

It sounds like you have lived an exciting and dangerous life so far and tackling the terrifying Pattaya Zebra and Pelican crossings in Pattaya was a huge part of it. You can never be too careful. Just imagine the dangers you might be exposed to, after a condom breaks during the heat of passion with your one and only. :banghead

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