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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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How could you not love this city? Every day I see something to amaze me. In the last 12 hours, I have seen:


- one of the bravest men in Pattaya, roller-blading amongst the traffic on Second Road (falang in his 20s)


- a man obviously advised by Gok Wan. Falang about 6ft 3ins, slim, 20s, hand in hand with slinky lady-boy, and wearing low cut black T-shirt and what I thought initially was a long black skirt. However, when I got close, I realised it was very baggy trousers with the crutch about 3 inches from the ankles!


- the weirdest couple. Asian (as in Oriental), about 5ft 2ins, hand in hand with lady-boy who was about 6ft tall in heels, looked like a man with long hair wearing a dress, also looked mentally retarded and was walking as if had one leg shorter than the other.


I prefer to be amazed by scantily clad, fit, Russian blond females, but they are becoming so common place that the amazement factor is wearing off.

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The golden guy on the bicycle,

The scary, white-faced old lady,

Deformed beggars,

Young children selling stuff after midnight,

Punters sleeping it off in the morning in bar beers,

Tattooed, pierced steroid-using body builders,

The occasional elephant, gibbon, iguana, parrot,

And on and on and on,

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- one of the bravest men in Pattaya, roller-blading amongst the traffic on Second Road (falang in his 20s)


JMHO...a falang that brings his roller blades to Pattaya :chogdee ....he's a member of the ever growing "look at me" brigade...skating between traffic on 2nd Road of all places...I'm sure his insurance carrier is aware of his peculiar attempt at physical fitness. :chogdee ...that is...if he even has insurance.

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