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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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That's why i don't bother posting on here anymore... Waste of time.

Don't be too harsh on Talen; the answer is not as black and white as your question suggests. It's really a matter of degree; a hotel's rates reflect how busy the hotel expects to be at various times of the year. For instance, Sabai Inn quotes the following:


20 December - 10 January 1,350

11 January - 28 February 1,080

01 March - 30 April 855

01 May - 31 October 720

01 November - 19 December 1,080

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Suggest that you check into Sawadee or any other travel site. Simply look at the dates shown against some of the hotels and this will let you know what the seasons are as well as the odd close out dates.

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That's why i don't bother posting on here anymore... Waste of time.





But in answer to your question....


There are actually several tourist "seasons" here in Pattaya beyond the "High and Low" periods. There are also what are called the "shoulder and peak" seasons. Forgetting the actual numbers of tourist on the ground and thinking just in terms of relative numbers, think of a bell curve.


At least in my mind:


Low Season really starts to kick in just after Songkran around the end of April.

Low Season will extend through the end of Sept.

Fall Shoulder Season begins to pick up stream at the beginning of Oct.

Peak Season begins at the beginning of Dec. (peaks at the holidays) and extends through Jan.

Winter Shoulder Season see business taper off at the beginning of Feb.

Then a sudden spike (think: mini peak) for the week of Songkran.


Wash and Repeat.


Oh and just because I think that this is a question that is worth asking and answering, plus I'm getting really sick of seeing so much micro-managing bullshit of the threads on this board.


EDIT: I went ahead and cut out of the post the "racy content" from my post to stay in compliance with the most PC Pattaya board on the net....

Edited by Shilo
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We booked last week at sabai Lodge for 1/3/2011 , they advertisie High Season rates until 31.03.2011, we requested Low Season Rates and got them.


However you could bet that that most hotels will be near half full in March yet its still supposedly High Seasonl,

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