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Did your western Mrs , look like your kids?

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Comedian Frankie Boyle mentioned this. He is mental. Said his wife's cummin face reminded him of his kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :whistling: Obviously he was joking, but I had never thought of that as I don't have kids. But realize that kids do look like their parents. I am still traumatized by the thought :unsure It would make your wife utterly unshaggable, surely?

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If you see visions of your 10 year old every time you're boffing the old lady, you need help. I'm serious.




He was joking. He is known for extreme stuff.It's was part of a 6 part serious called " Tramadol nights".The sketches were poor, but the stand up, was cutting edge. It's one of those things you never thought of though as a no parent. Then, you realize that many kids do look like their parents. Yes, it's vomit inducing. So what do guys do? I would guess that after their kid starts to resemble their mother, there's absolutely no way you'd go near her. It's scary.

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Not until he was old enough to grow a moustache.....

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He was joking.


I got it. I understood it was meant as a sick/black joke. But I was addressing you. You seemed/seem fairly serious about it.


It's one of those things you never thought of though as a no parent. Then, you realize that many kids do look like their parents. Yes, it's vomit inducing. So what do guys do? I would guess that after their kid starts to resemble their mother, there's absolutely no way you'd go near her. It's scary.


I have no problem of my kids resembling my wife (which they do) because they look 6, then 10, then 15, then 18.... while my wife doesn't appear to be those ages at the same time. I go near her many, many times. We have a terrific sex life.


I can only repeat that if anyone SERIOUSLY and NOT JOKINGLY has an actual problem with this, they need and should actively seek serious, deep help. I mean in the actual, real world -- which doesn't include you, since you don't have actual real wife-and-kid people. It's when fantasies turn real that there's a problem.



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