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Instructions on joining the Members Only Forum

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I always have a little trouble finding the area to post trip reports and pics and discussions about the girls...please give me a reminder.



President Cato

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I am not s tupid guy (well some might argue that point), but it is still not easy to find the members forum...just a little constructive criticsim.  I followed the link provided, but that takes me the page to join...I already joined, I just need to log in to the members section.



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Ok, I have logged into the forum...but I still see the message on top 'No discussion about the girls here' or whatever...once I figure it out, I'll be set...plus I think I got a pretty good trip report to share...



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Cato, you would have needed to receive an email from the boards owner giving you a password.  Also there will be a link given to you with the welcome letter.


Once you are a member, you will find this board to be the best for information about Pattaya and Thailand.  ;)  M_H


You will see this on the top of the forum page:


FLB Bar Pattaya Pages Forum

« Member's Only »

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Like I said, I already got that email a while back...the only link I see is

Click Here to join the members board.


That takes me to the page that explains how to join...do I need to do this again?

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it says register on the forum board, there is no link named Register, but there are others that probably are what is being referred to as link...once again, just pointing out some things...

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Cato, You should see a "Login" button close to the top right side of the forums page.  It's right under the links to "FLB Bar & Parties".  

Once you are logged in.....you will see the additional topics...ie: trip reports.

Hope that helps.....Ed

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You are NOT a member which is why you can't see the members section.


Joining is a two step process.


1st step is to register for the open forum.  You have done that and are registered.


The second step is to apply for access to the members area.  You have not done that or if you have then your application was rejected for some reason.  When you are accepted you get a long email from the webmaster explaining how the system works.  


People with access to the members area have the word Member, directly under their User Id on every post.  If you look through the posters here you will see most are already members but you are not.


Go to www.pattayapages.com/joinmembers.html and follow the instructions in step 2.  

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I requested membership to the members only section...I think I know what happened now.  I believe I may have registered as PCato prior to this...if there is a PCato in the members list, please delete it.  I will just use Cato.



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