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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

pattaya to hua hin by boat

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from october they will resume a boat service from pattaya to hua hin. this will leave bali peir south pattaya and the journey will take 3 hours 15 mins approx.

the boat is an 18meter, high speed catarauman and can sit 75 people. most travel agents have informaion on this service. 1800 bhat one way.

might not suite some but i woul think its a nice voyage for those who like sailing or boats more information on www.thailivingferry.com

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Any shortime rooms on booard?

It's a catarmaran, not a cat house.
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I just wonder how popular it REALLY was/is. This is at least the third company i have heard that has tried running a ferry service Pattaya-Hua-Hin, and the others folded within the 1st year of operation

I've always fancied getting the train to Hua-Hin, but schlepping to the centre of Bangkok to begin the train journey kind of takes the fun out of it.

Boat seems fun, though ;)



Edited by malcontented
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