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Proper Clothing to wear to a Bar?

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I will be travelling to Thailand and visiting Pattaya from Oct. 11 to 29.

Will be my first trip to Thailand.

I plan on visiting the FLB when i arrive.

I also have booked accomodations at The Residence Garden.


My question is...

What is the proper clothes to wear while travelling to Thailand and what proper clothes to wear while visiting Beer Bars?

I want to look sharp, but not too formal.

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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you can wear more or less what you like. If you turn up in shorts, sandals, a football shirt & a Simpsons' beer hat you can expect to be treated as a holidaymaker. You will also tend to be accosted more by timeshare and other touts and will have a harder time haggling over prices. I recommend planter's rig in the evenings, this is open necked long sleeve shirt and smart but casual long trousers for example the imitation Rohan action trousers which you can buy in outdoor sports shops. They are smart(ish) have lots of pockets and are light, cool & cheap.


The girls prefer smartly dressed men a well dressed dustman will get more attention than a scruffy brain surgeon. One thing that really bugs girls is to have your shirt unbuttoned. A friend, Woody said watch this, unbuttoned his shirt and lounged back, the girl sitting with me immediately leant over gave him a cuddle and buttoned his shirt up.


The other thing of importance to girls is personal hygiene, smell like a goat and you won't get much. Associated with this is facial hair generally the girls associate this with a lack of hygiene.


For a visitor it can be intimidating or even frightening on one's first trip, it is worth remembering that the girls have feelings too so behave decently, especially if you in a group, and reap the benefit.



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DGP, are you really saying that you would cut your hair so you have a chance of getting some good action in Pattaya? Tell me i have mis interpreted your comment because i would hate to think of what you would have to do to get some in your home town if that were case. As if having long hair hurts your chances of landing a fine tg for the night......well come prowl with me some time. Cheers, B-Man!

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Hi C

No just a joke i keep my long hair.

i'ts right about the girls, hey long hair come in your welcome, and they really like to mess around with my hair, i have had some weird hair in the morning, being to pissed to know what they where doing to it.

Regards DGP

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 Hey DGP, it does make for a good conversation piece for them eh? Most usually like to braid it, had one that wanted to do some weird piktail thing doubled over on each side of my head. I asked her what the hell she was making and she told me she was trying to make be blades because she thought i was a helicopter....lol. The things they come up with sometimes. Anyways when ya in next? B-Man!

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Yes, this Is a lovely topic. Not exactly about clothing, but...


Beeing long haired too, i think about cutting it almost every summer day. It's not so many of those here, but a Thailandtrip (haven't been there for some 10 years) would be a strong motivation.


It's just 1 thing 'about guys who cut their hair just to find they don't have any anymore' ...   :P

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On my first (and only, so far) trip I sat down on a stone bench on the ocean-side of beachroad by the policestation when I noticed this sixty-ish corpulent tan farang loafing along the sidewalk. He was wearing nothing but really saggy briefs(underpants)! and nobody seemed to mind.  Oh well, I am not complaining, but if I ever behave like that, please shoot me  :-/

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If you really want to get the girls screaming at you dress up in a US navy uniform , cut your hair really short and you'll be the most popular man in Pattaya , especially if there are no other sailors about .


 ;D Derek

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Here's my perspective.  Part of feeling that days spent in LOS are the best in my life is being well dressed. For me this means wearing a great looking sports shirt. I wear slacks and socks so I won't subconsciously be thinking my white legs make me look like a zombie. I don't need the extra sun burn and long pants are good for time spent in bars with very cold a/c. From habit I coordinate colors of shirt, pants, socks. I don't pack white socks.

My shoes are quality deck shoes that I find extremely comfortable in the states. However, this has not worked well as I find I return home foot sore after my vacation. This soreness is from lots of walking and lasts for months. I'm switching to sneakers next time, although I don't care for their appearance.

My daily dress also includes the following:

 o Large handkerchief for mopping up sweat (BTW Thais think blowing your nose is similar to the way farangs see picking your nose - gross)

 o Ear plugs for bars with extremely high noise levels and for sleeping on the plane.

 o Sun block. I'll otherwise have sun burn and rash by the end of my visit.

 o Cologne and deoderant since I sweat rivers in the LOS.


Papa Tom

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Thank you so much for the positive input.

As i am writing this, i am about 5 hours away from getting on the plane and travelling to Thailand.

I'll be staying in Pattaya at the Residence Garden.

My first stop after a bit of rest to get rid of jetlag will be FLB.

My wardrobe is all set.

All the various sundries are bought.


Now all i have is a long long plane ride to think and imagine all the fun that is to be had when i arrive.


When in FLB, i'll be the sharp dressed man with a big smile.


See you all there!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Woo hoo!

just got back from a 3 week stay in Pattaya.

Wow, everything they say about this place is absolutely true!

And FLB....nice place, i love it!

except that jealous bartender that got mad at me for buying the other bartenders a drink and not her....hehehe, so i had to buy her a drink the next day and not the others bartenders (smiles).

And hello to the young dark cutie bar girl i picked up from FLB on my first night in Pattaya almost 3 weeks ago. Was a very nice time.

I shall return in about 7 months.

I'm hooked!

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If you really want to get the girls screaming at you dress up in a US navy uniform
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I think you'll find that sailors usually hang out with a different type of screamer.


Oh, and this year's fashion conscious male is going to bars wearing his underpants on his head and a pencil up each nostril.  

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