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Party Walls inbetween gardens

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Does anyone know what the Thai law says about party walls between properties. I have two neighbors who at each others throats about one who is having a maids room built in the front corner of his garden. The roof will lean over the party wall and then have a gutter system installed but it will almost lean over in to one neighbors garden. Should all of the construction be completely over one side or is it allowed to lean over ?


Anyone know.

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Hi Mick,


The end of the roof pitch including the guttering, must be within their own property boundaries.


Although I was not directly involved, my late American pal had exactly the same problem at his house in That Phanom, although his neighbour was a high ranking local police officer. Yes, no luck there.


The police officers roof pitch was right on the boundary and the rain run-off was cascading into my pals garden. After loads of arguments and court proceedings, which included site visits from the judge and referencing the Channotes etc etc. The end of the roof pitch had to be and was deemed to be within the police officers boundary, but the court awarded my mate 6000 baht for a sort of inconvenience/damage payment for the water run-off, that the police officer had to pay him. We'll you can imagine how that went down, my mate suffered loads of intimidation including the officer cleaning his gun on the porch in the morning and pointing it at my mate.


Not sure if my mate ever got the money from the officer or not, my mate unfortunately died from a heart attack at age 62 not too long after the whole episode finished.



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Hi Mick,


The end of the roof pitch including the guttering, must be within their own property boundaries.


Although I was not directly involved, my late American pal had exactly the same problem at his house in That Phanom, although his neighbour was a high ranking local police officer. Yes, no luck there.


The police officers roof pitch was right on the boundary and the rain run-off was cascading into my pals garden. After loads of arguments and court proceedings, which included site visits from the judge and referencing the Channotes etc etc. The end of the roof pitch had to be and was deemed to be within the police officers boundary, but the court awarded my mate 6000 baht for a sort of inconvenience/damage payment for the water run-off, that the police officer had to pay him. We'll you can imagine how that went down, my mate suffered loads of intimidation including the officer cleaning his gun on the porch in the morning and pointing it at my mate.


Not sure if my mate ever got the money from the officer or not, my mate unfortunately died from a heart attack at age 62 not too long after the whole episode finished.




Thanks Sam, I went round to try to talk to one of them and ask them if they would have the wall moved back about 2 feet. The wife said ok, but her husband (English) is out and will be back later. Lets see what happens. I rang a mate of mine who is pretty good at this kind of thing having worked in real estate here in Thailand for many years and his reply was the same as yours. Sorry to hear what happened to your pal.

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He should stick up an extended perspex screen on top of the wall to act as a divider. It's a pretty common issue/solution ...


Unfortunately, it's another good reason to rent rather than buy.

Edited by CheshireTom
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Yep I see that quite often in the boonies in Chaiyaphum as gutters reaching the boundary and overflowing into next door's yard. Out next door neighbours up there let their septics overflow into our yard because they don't empty them when full, my wife wanted to build a wall to stop it. I said no speak to them (we live in Oz but daughter and mother (grand kids etc...) live in house in boonies) and if no luck we will take the cheaper option and dig a mound on our side so it flows back into their yard. Lo and behold they saw what was coming and now empty their septics when full.

Edited by Kev
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Hmm, I thought all buildings were meant to be at a set distance from any joint boundary...only a small amount like a metre or so.

Let us know what you learn Mick.....but we all know the law and reality often are at odds.

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