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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Just over 3 weeks till wheels up, I am begining to get excited :)


I am staying at the Dynasty Inn BKK for 2 nights of Sukumvit mongering before taking the minibus down to the PTTYA DI (2 nights, maybe more if I like it).


Was just wondering if any fellow boardies might be in the same bus ?


Can't wait :P




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Will be on the bus 23rd June, staying at the Inn till 27th. This will be my first time there all other trips have stayed at the resort.


I'm easly reconised as I'm f-king old got a barrel where the 6 pack used to be, wear day glow singlets long shorts, shepherd tarten socks and sandels. Oh yes and have one or two cuties hanging off my arms. Isn't it wonderfull what money can do, saves all that gyme rubbish.


So if your around and dont mind being shown up, I wouldn't mind having a few slurps with ya.



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I get in on May 28th, Stay one night at the Dynasty and then I am down to Pattaya on the DI shuttle on the 29th.


Keep the beer cold and the babes hot!!


14 days..........



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