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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Long Tall Cowboy

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About Long Tall Cowboy

  • Rank
    Advanced Poster
  • Birthday 09/20/1965

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  • Country
    United States

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  • Location
    The Friendly State
  • Interests
    Ranching and pounding LBFMs

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  1. Has anyone stayed at the new Sabai Empress at the top of Soi 1? I'm wondering how it is. The Sabai Lodge folks have sent me the rates and some photos but i'd like some first hand info. The rooms look small and it appears there is no balcony. I normally stay at Sabai Wing or Sabai Inn but i'm looking for a change but really like this area. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks, LTC
  2. Great party pics Adam! Can wait to visit your new place. See ya soon! LTC
  3. Here is the reply i got when i asked about the construction and new employees with bad attitudes. I told her that a friend told me it was noisy and the new staff had bad attitudes. Dear Mr. Eric, Thank you very much for your reply. We would like to inform you that the building under construction is not of Sabai Lodge and now not noise because it is during decorate. Thank you very much for you comment about our new staff. We will find out. For Sabai Wing staff we have some person is new. Please let us have your friend name. We would like to apologize him. I'll take my
  4. I've stayed in the Sabai Wing at Sabai Lodge 7 times and always enjoyed myself. The last 2 trips i played cheap charlie and moved across Soi 2 to the Sabai Inn. I'm coming for a 17 day trip in late July and thought i would go back to the Sabai Wing. I just got a reply to my reservation request and all is well and they are glad i'm coming back! Ked, the reservation girl has been there for awhile and remembers me. I'm going to ask about the noise and new employees and see what she says. I will update when i get a reply. LTC
  5. If i thought you would invest my money properly and not spend it on Soi 6 i would go in with you on a business venture! I guess i could always move to LOS so i could keep an eye on you......or atleast accompany you to Soi 6 as we plan our business venture! Seriously though...if i thought something could work i would be interested.......maybe!
  6. Holy shit man what a string of bad luck. Sounds like you pulled yourself out of it and that is great. See you in LOS! LTC
  7. Well they were open in early May. Me and 2 buddies took a class there. We called them on the phone but ended up going there to setup the class. We took the 2 hour "tourist" class i believe they called it. It was fun but rather expensive if you ask me. LTC
  8. It can also happen if you are using a ISP provider that has the site where the photos are stored blocked for some reason. This generally happens if you are at work using your Company's network connection to reach the internet and your Company has that site blocked!! That is the case for me. I think MM uses pattayapics.com and my company has it blocked so i can never see his pics that he posts!! LTC
  9. Never a dull read when i open one of your posts. LTC
  10. Well, now......here's something I never knew before, and now that I know it, I feel compelled to send it on to my more intelligent friends in the hope that they, too, will feel edified. Isn't history more fun when you know something about it? Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers. Without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore they would be incapable of fighting in the future. This famous English longbo
  11. I have used Mr. Toom twice. 2 different drivers/cars. No problems what so ever. 1200 baht w/200 for tip. Will use him again in August. I highly suggest contacting Mr. Toom because i don't want to get the ratty ass car with a driver that doesn't know where he is going LTC
  12. Once again high marks from the Texan. Thanks for the humor. LTC
  13. Now that's funny. I think Bush would even laugh at that. LTC
  14. I'm sure this has probably been posted before but yesterday was the first time i had seen it. I laughed for 2 hours over a couple of these so i thought i would share..... Learn Chinese (Thai) in 5 minutes...(You've gotta read these out loud!!) ~ That's not right . Sum Ting Wong ~ Are you harboring a fugitive?............. Hu Yu Hai Ding ~ See me ASAP................................ Kum Hia Nao ~ Stupid Man . Dum Fuk ~ Small Horse . Tai Ni Po Ni ~ Did you go to the beach? ............ Wai Yu So Tan ~ I bumped into a coffee table ........ Ai Bang Mai Fa Kin Ni ~ I th
  15. Okay Mr. Toom you are going to get my business. I'm coming in early May so I will be contacting you soon with my arrival information.
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