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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About Sa-teef

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  1. I asked the teelack when she got home from work why she likes Bell over a private hire and she said she felt safer in the bus. From an older article comparing fatalities on different means of transport: Current Thailand numbers or relative safety may differ of course, but her instincts are probably right. http://www.fp7-restarts.eu/index.php/home/root/state-of-the-art/objectives/2012-02-15-11-58-37/75-book-video/how-a-plane-can-fly-assuring-safety/156-the-risk-of-travel
  2. I had never used Bell Travel Service until I lived here, since I too was arriving around the midnight hour and departing on the early am flights. Great service that uses good buses from Swampy and stops at the terminal on Pattaya Nua. You transfer to a minibus that drops you at your hotel or apartment. Teelack likes it better than finding a taxi at the airport or a private hire as well.
  3. Thanks for the link. Wow, that has to be a major loss of face for some bureaucrat! It's seems the only sensible thing to do, regardless.
  4. So it sounds like Halloween is on (until 2 am at the very least) ...... .....and the unofficial Loy Krathong events will go ahead as planned, with perhaps the fireworks being subdued a bit?
  5. It's not glamour but they have one now, just about 100 meters SE of the 407 office (which is by the petrol station just north of Pattaya Klang). http://www.waymarkin...onburi_Thailand http://www.waymarkin...attaya_Thailand It's on the sign above (in Pattaya) , and on the schedule. http://www.nakhoncha....com/runway.php Get a friendly Thai lady to read it to you.
  6. Don't forget the party Saturday night the 18th of September at Toyz Ago-go. Toyz Ago-go, Covent Garden, Soi Sixteen Walking Street
  7. There will be a party at Toyz Ago-go (the former Catz Ago-go) on Saturday the 18th of September in honor of Alan's girlfriend J. Free food and frequent trays of shooters will be passed around. Robert and Alan are known for being generous with the B-52's !! As a favor to my friends I took a few pics of the ladies working there. Toyz Ago-go opens at 8:00 pm and is located in Covent Gardens Complex on Soi Sixteen, Walking Street. Stop by and meet the ladies!! Three new ones
  8. Multiple ways to spell it but it runs north-south roughly parallel with Second and Third Road between Pattaya Tai and Pattaya Klang. Not a bad place to start looking for a low priced room above a shop house and there are plenty of cheap internet cafes in the area. It's low season now so rent a place for a night or two and cruise the side sois on the look out for "Room for Rent" signs. I wouldn't rent anything at the price point you have in mind sight unseen. I think you mentioned you work on the web? Quite a few wifi hot spots in the area so you may get lucky finding an open one or be abl
  9. A search engine for you sponio. SoiDB Apartment Search There are about 150 apartments listed all over town, and if you are careful with your electric usage you might be able to stay below the 5k number with some of them. Find an area that sounds interesting to you and walk the neighborhood. Some of the best bargains aren't advertised with anything but a sign in the window.
  10. Yes, the additional pages are still free as of May 2008. I did both the income verification letter and adding pages on the same day at ACS in Bangkok that month. Quick service from polite, well-spoken Thai staff who had me out of there in less than two hours. "....Can be done. I did mine about 3 years ago. Went to the Embassy, filled out a form and gave them my passport and form, waited a short time and then my name was called and my TGF and I were out of there. No cost." I think they have changed their procedures a bit since then. When I went to ACS they wouldn't let the TG who w
  11. Do you still send them next door for internet service? Plus electric at what rate with a monthly rental? Plus water or disposal service? Thanks. ~Sa-teef
  12. Yes, you are a drunk. But a loveable one and a sexyman to boot! Fully agree. Disputing a bill in a polite and civilized manner while you are in the bar will almost always result in an explanation or a compromise. That goes double for a falang bar. Making a break for the door or street to dodge a bill? Well that's just dumb and you deserve whatever you get. ```````````````````````````` Whatever else you might say about Misty's, there is always a falang or thai manager on duty from my experience. The thai manager worked at another Walking Street falang owned location before
  13. That will perk-up the ears of some of this crowd............. ~Sa-teef
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