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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by knortyboy

  1. I always stay in the Majestic Suites, it suits my needs perfectly. It's quite small and a bit worn around the edges, just like me. The staff are always very friendly and with regards to bringing ladies back with you, I think it's expected - at least they always look at me funny if I return alone. Come to think of it most people look at me funny.
  2. Paul. Sounds OK to me, I'll email you during the week with flight details. Cheers Knorty.
  3. Hello Paul, Was hoping to use your service 3rd October and then again a week later but see that you are not in the country then. Could you recommend anyone, perhaps the company you mentioned you use when you are over booked? Thanks Knortyboy.
  4. Good pics, although you've gotta feel sorry the the girl whose legs are on backwards.
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