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Everything posted by nidnoyham

  1. I take your point G, the retailers in LOS do cater for the " Dedicated followers of fashion" remember that one Winston ? I'll get some nice fine checked shirts with button down collars, breast pocket, they will do for work anyway. Its just nice to bring a pressie home that will be appreciated. A reward for not burning down the house while I am away, God knows what he and his mates get up to. Last summer, they slept in a tent in the garden, A skinhead and and a collection of Iraqis and American lads listening to Classic FM, phoning the station to ask for a "shout out" for the lads in the tent-
  2. O.K. So I'm outnumbered, just like the old days. My Son is a skinhead, spends 2 hours cleaning his boots but can't spend 2 seconds picking up his clothes. He mixes with scooter clubs, mostly for the girls, but was aghast, when I told him I was thinking of chopping in the cruiser bike for a large scooter- Honda Silver Wing, or similar, says I should stick to my roots, either that or he doesn't want his Dad turning up at the Scooter club ! Keep Rocking !
  3. Thanks T.C, I have looked around Mikes, and seen all the Lacost & other usual brands, but no B.S etc. will do as you say next time and ask- cheers :)
  4. Am I the only one who doesn't enjoy Thai music ? Last year, my flight to Pitsanalok was cancelled, so my GF came to BKK in minibus with 14 others to get me. The bus had a Karioke machine on and music videos- 5 hours of this put me off Thai music for good. My GF will bring some tapes to U.K to play in car while we tour andI can stand that for an hour or so, but I would never play Thai music while alone - aaaagggh !
  5. Didn't have any problems when I first met my GF parents, Mum was cooking dinner, Dad was washing his fighting cock, they were happy to have a Farang stay at their house for the night. A crate of beer, bottle of Thai whiskey, a few bart on food at the market, a Thai singsong with the local politzie and off to bed. When I meet people at home, I just say hello- thats it, from then on they like me or not. Up to you !
  6. My son only wears Ben Sherman/ Fred Perry polo shirts, they are up to 60 quid in U.K. from specialist shops. Along with tonic suits and leather loafers, it's a dear fashion. Not to mention its 60's Mod, -the old enemy ! Anyone seen the above shirts for sale anywhere in LOS ? I have looked in vain myself. :)
  7. Eric, on the subject of being regarded as a Cheap Charlie or Flash Git, I would err on the side of the former. I don't think Thais really respect a big spender, just another mug to them. It is their way of appealing to your ego to prove you have money power and to prove it- you spend it- on them.
  8. So... 8 Brits detained, 1/2 ton of fertiliser waiting for a gallon or 2 of deisel to be added. None of the suspects were from Camp X-Ray, guess I was wrong about those blokes released after all. Sorry ! The worse thing is this lot live in my Manor, serves me right I suppose. Just waiting for Crackpot and Valentino to start a campaign to get them released, with a free holiday at Butlins, full board of course !
  9. April in Scotland ? Blimey you are going to spend the money you save on warm clothes and heating bills ! Glad you got the old visa tho', well done.
  10. I had to swear an oath last year at solicitors, got the old bible out, and did the buis'. asked how they did it for non Christians, but can't remember her reply. And hey- the first people to swear allegiance to the Queen was only last week, about 15 people !
  11. The meat is quite white cos they eat rice, seen 'em on a stick up country, would be interesting to try...... no I am kidding myself. Deep fried scorpion is my limit.
  12. Just got my bank statement from Barclays, 20,000 baht ATM withdrawal cost £4. 25 charge on my connect card. Still not sure if it's my bank or the ATM outfit who cop the money.
  13. How about the Thai Ladies comng to U.K. etc. Does anyone insure them for medical treatment ? Can you do it at home or in LOS ? And Crackpot- wiping your bum on a broken bottle is pretty silly too ! [smiley=yikes.gif] [smiley=yikes.gif] [smiley=yikes.gif]
  14. I'm off to Weatherspoons for my first English pint & breaded plaice since last month, kick off with the Summer Lightning if they have it, then work along the pumps- avoiding the stout.
  15. When checking in at the old Nautical Inn last visit, the desk clerk took great pains to check my visa expiry date. Never had that before. Mind you met a Brit' who was 14 months over his visa, p'raps that is 1 of the reasons. I wonder if the hotel keeps a check and is acting as unpaid immigration agent ?
  16. Crackpot. They can scan my e-mails, bug my fone, all they will get is the same bollocks I write in these posts. It may ruffle a few feathers or send them to sleep- 1984 has come and gone mate. Yes I am not impressed with the Hutton report, the sudden turn about by the rebels on tuition fees, the Euro, or the American influence in all countries regarding trade etc. However I stand by my convictions that international terrorism is a greater threat to the future of mankinds way of life than all of these. We are all potential aggresors and victims, how do you cope with that as a Gov
  17. Paid 700 bpn in C&N in Patong last november- nice and clean, new bathrooms, farang food room service etc-nice.
  18. Valentino, This is about Brit's commiting terrorist action abroad & being held in Cuba. Crackpot says you can't lock up people for what you think they may do! So we dont need a prevention of terrorism act ? We shouldn't be holding 15 suspects at Belsize Prison ? Just let them run free and pick up the peices after they do what terrorists do? I am not banging on about Sep 11 as if Americans lives are worth more than others ( PEOPLE FROM ALL AROUND THE WORLD WERE IN THOSE BUILDINGS ) I was merely pointing out that, the average western mind, would not have believed a fellow human b
  19. Origionaly this post was started, to show my dismay about terrorist acts being commited around the world by British passport holders. I was asking how long before a crackdown on all such passports holders begins. For instance, if we had a dual passport 1 for indigeonous and 1 for immigrants, it would not affect us all, but that is not the case, we re all lumped together and must all be treated the same, ie USA, after several years of visa free travel, has changed its policy. I just happenned to mention that I would like the Brit's held by the US in Cuba to be kept there, heres why. If
  20. John, sorry about the faild test, dont be too hard on the tester, he may have saved your life ! A 250 can be like a monster, I remember picking up my little Virago 535 from shop, not been on a bike for 20+ years, I was shown the indicators, ignition & how many gears there were and waved goodbye. I couldnt even work out how the helmet strap went. If I had been on a test, the same woud have been said about me. Got home and my kids still remember my face when I got off, That was a few years ago now. My Thai lady was not happy on the back in U.K. Slipping between traffic was no fun fo
  21. Crackpot, thanx for puting me right on the swearing an oath. So they can be tried for treason- good ! The difference between Ausies & Kiwis waiving their flag is, they are mostly visitors working in the local pub to get enough money to do Europe. Not claiming to be Brits'. If people won't play cricket for this country, they aint gonna put on a uniform and fight for it, thats for sure. Ausies & Kiwis, decendants from here, are more likely to. And it was Norman Tebbit that made the remark about the flags not me ! I was just explaining why Nasser Hussain made his comment- ste
  22. Baron, my statement about British muslims not considering this country to be their own, was based on 2 things. 1. As far as I am aware, the granting of a British Passport involves no swearing of an oath to serve the Queen and country, only a written application form. 2. Nasser Hussain, Englands cricket Captain, recently made a statement that British Moslems should be proud to play for their country. The poor bloke was ridiculed by the Pakistani and other Asian youth who thought he was barmy, if they were going to play cricket it would be for their Motherland, I felt quite sorry fo
  23. Banks ! I 'ate 'em. My entire earnings for the last 26 years went through my account, a few bob I can tell you, but they still charge you for going o/d past your allowance about 20GBP A DAY! All it needs is you to fone to increase o/d and its all o.k! Got 27k in an account getting 3% interest or so, lending the same to some poor sod at 14%. Not a bad profit margin. It still takes as long to clear a cheque, even drawn from same bank as it did 30 years ago. where is that money for the 5 days ? My student daughter got an account with cash card and 1,000 GBP 0/d at low interest, an
  24. I've sent cash 3 or 4 times inside a card and it has always got there, but that is to an address up country. Maybe the Thai Postman Pat looks out for mail to Pattaya with fe-mail (get it?) names. GF gets better rate of exchange too. But I wouldn't chance any more than fifty quid that way.
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