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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by nidnoyham

  1. Come on PAULC You couldn't make it up ! I have had enough stick from my work mates,don't join them. If you could be at Alcazar 31 OCT 1800 Lucy would probably enjoy the company ! The Marketing Mangers name is Noy. See you there
  2. Cheshire Tom. Have contacted Alcazar via your e-mail address-thanks for that. Lucy has appointment at P.R office 31Oct with regarding interviewing the performers. Oh yes have asked a Thai person the meaning of the word Katoey, and after thinking for a while came up with Poofter, so that is not a word we will be using Thanks again mate
  3. Bali- Manila-???? I have heard that the Thai army is taking a higher profile in tourist areas. Anyone seen soldiers in Pattaya ? Do you think that Walking Street may be closed more to motor traffic than it already is ? Will those T shirts with Osiee Binliner disappear from the shops? Will our aim at his picture on the urinals at FLB be more accurate from now on ? Its a poser isn't it ? :-/ Sod 'em I'm still going !
  4. You are right about those tiny padlocks Alan. But size insn't everything, we used to be able to open the older Samsonite cases with a metal nailfile, even though they had several different keys ! Casual theives are generally lazy, so a lock is a visible deterent, or a strap, take a leaf from the Asian traveller, their baggage has several yards of rope around, but the best policy is to have nothing of value inside your bag. Remenber, if you wouldn't post it, don't pack it.
  5. Dougie, As a sassenach, I have to take issue with you about people refering to G.B as England, I thought the Americans called us Limeys, or Brits, unless that is a thing of the past. Seing as a large majority of them have Scots- Irish ancesters, the thought of them refering to this Island as England is news to me. Heathrow is in England they may say they are flying to England, but they always say Europe dont they ? Talking of Heathrow, for several years there used to be a sign over the exit tunnel saying " Welcome to Britain " I often wondered if the sign would say the same on a tunne
  6. As you are all well travelled Ladies and Gentlemen, I thought it might help to give some tips on avoiding lost baggage and helping to locate it quickly if the worst happens. :'( Some of this you may think is stating the obvious, but as someone who has worked in this area for a long time, I have seen things that make your teeth curl. First and most obvious is to have your name on your bag, backpackers are the worst offenders, when you next travel, look at your bag and ask yourself how easy would it be for a 3rd party to reconcile it with you ? ::)supposing the handle came off in the co
  7. As the one who made the statement "why cant we all be Buddhist ? I was merely trying to point out the fact that the other religions, sorry- people from the other religions are the ones that are causing the present threat to every human being on this planet. the turn to terrorism means that everyone is a potential terrorist, if you dont think so try walking on an aircraft without being scanned for weapons. It will get worse I feel now that the whole world is on the move, the troubles in N.I are perpetuated by people who live in the same community, but are of a different religion, they go to di
  8. Thanks Tom for the e-mail address and the advise about staring. Thing is no one knows when they are doing it ! I remeber a work mate being interviewd for a post by a male colleuge and a girl from Personnel, the girl had to leave the room for a phone call, while she was gone the co-interviewer leant across the desk and said" Your doing very well so far, but can you stop staring at her tits ?" when she came back in it was even harder to conciously ignore them Cheers!
  9. LEADBELLY/ PR Thanks for the advise about addressing the Ladies, discretion is my middle name, and I would have checked with my lady friend about the meaning of that word before using it. And we are all Hansum men in Pattaya- arn't we ?? I still have a problem trying to follow Cheshire Toms advise to e-mail before we go. does anyone have e-mail addresses for such places as Simons ? I can try to call ladyfriends sister in Pattaya, perhaps it will be in PATTAYA NEWS or something, well Iv'e got 2 weeks, anyone there 31oct-02nov ? My daughter and her new Thai friends will probably shoot o
  10. Steve, It is not unusual to have a wrong spelling on a ticket, it depends which letter it is, if it is the first of your family name that changes it completely, say Riley to Filey it could be a problem, give Eva a call 0208745 7779 at Heathrow and tell them the problem, they may accept it and put a note in your booking of the problem for your return journey. Good luck
  11. Steve, When a passenger arrives without baggage in U.K the Airline agent should fill out a C3 Customs delclaration form wich the passenger signs. This form asks if there are any dutiable goods in the missing bag, the form is kept by the Agent and presented to the clearing officer, the officer then uses his discretion to open bag or just let it go through. His first concern is where baggage came from, if from one of the hotspots for drugs ie. Jamaica, Iran, Pakistan,yes and Thailand it is more likely to be inspected. If any dutiable items are taken from the bag, the officer will fill a form i
  12. Woah Chaps, lets not get our knickers in a twist on this thorny ethnic lark. Papa the dictionary definition of ethnic is "of a racial group or resembling the clothes of a primitive people" In the U.K we have 4 diffrent countries in 1 tiny island, historicaly given nicknames by each other; Taffy (Welsh) Paddy (Irish) Jock (Scots) and the English were regionalised into Georgdie- N.East, Scouse- Liverpool, Brummie- Birmingham etc. Dont know how far back this goes, but it probably over 100 years, there is no insult to it , unless the F word is put in front of course. perhaps to the m
  13. Right Tom, got the picture. It would be a good idea to e-mail ahead of our arrival. Unfortunately I am one of these non IT people, and would have absolutely no idea of how to get their e-mail address, my teenage son is out for the night, he is the kiddie in that department, perhaps he can put me straight, but I definately will do that if possible. Thanx mate
  14. You are totally correct Kanga, it is beyond the understanding of the non- fanatical mind that a human being could inflict such horror on others. Living in the U.K as I do, I too have been horrified at the atrocious acts of murder carried out in Ireland by both sides of the conflict in the last 25 years, and it looks as if it is about to begin again, these conflicts- Ireland; Israel, the Balkans, once started, just carry on thru generations of hate and revenge. Why cant we all be Buddhist ?
  15. Thanks for your advise Tom, Stevens. I will have a translator, my Thai lady friend, thats why I am taking my daughter to Pattaya Baz, my butterfly days there are over- well on hold shall we say. Tom I called them Lads for want of a better word, but now I have Katoey (what is that exactly) I shall avoid the term again. It is Lucys first trip to LOS, she can't wait to go, so the e-mail bit may be usefull when she is back home, but not as enjoyable as dooooing it. I like the meal idea, my daughter being a performer herself, will click with them I'm sure, we have a tape recorder, camera
  16. My student daughter, studying theatre for decree course, has chosen for her final year to do a thesis on cross-dressers in entertainment, Danny Larue, Hinge & Bracket etc. Fing is, we are coming to Pattaya 31 Oct and she wants me to take her to Simons- Tiffanys, with a view to talk to the performers about their ideas and thoughts about what they do. I have little knowledge of these places exept 1 visit to Simons,with 2 ladies I might add. so do you think these lads will be O.k about this? We do not want to offend anyone. Does anyone have more of an insite to these performers, any ideas
  17. :)Yeh they did Bits and Pieces as well, they were pretty awfull, Dave had an Osmond type smile. I remember them live on Sunday night at the Palladium, I cringed, and my dad just shook his head- happy days.
  18. Thanks Andy & Garno for your input, seams a bit bleak for my friend. I can understand the thinking of these immigration people worried about a Thai doing a runner in the U.K. But having said that I do like a challenge, what makes it all seem so ridiculous is that in my local high street on a Saturday, 1 conversation in 5 is in English, my borough has over a 130 languages spoken in it, so naturally I take it as a wee bit of an offence that a friend of mine will be refused a short stay in my country as my guest, the law is an ass, as Oscar Wild would say. Anyway, I will give it a go,if all e
  19. Thanks for the info Tom, not sure that she has a lot going for her in the employment department, it sort of varies from working her parents farm and the bar in Pattya, which she has given up this year because of illness - slarosis of the liver. too many Baileys and ice.The problem is, my teenage kids think I just cant be bothered, but that is not tue, I would love to give her a look at dear old England, she is also of course a lovely person, or I Wouldnt be asking these questions. cheers anyway.
  20. :-/ Will be taking my student daughtere to LOS in November, where she will meet my Thai lady friend. I know they will get on fine, and I know my daughter will ask when my friend will come to England, so we can return her hosptality- she is giving us a tour Pattay/Pitchet/Changmai etc, my kids can't understand why she will have such a problem getting a visa for the U.K. But I know from people I work with that it can be an expensive caper, and not easy. Anyone done it ? All I want is for her to visit for a while. Oh yes I am not able to marry her, even if I wanted to, just a bit of time together
  21. got back frm Pattaya 12 june, spent time with my thai ladyfriend of 8 months, and have had flu type symtoms, the worst on friday day of the England/ Brasil match. (dont know how I will convice my boss I was really sick). Have also got blisters on the old chap ! looking up the AOL health website I found I have all the symtoms of Herpes, apparently millions of people all over the word have it but only 20/% know they have. The body immune system will sort it out but you have it for good. O.K I know all about the condom thing- dont need telling, just thought I'd put the thought into other peoples
  22. Thanks to Dave G & Cheshire Tom for condo info, will pass it on to friend, must encourage him to go for 2 bedrooms ! :)
  23. was asked to find info on condos in Pattaya last week and forgot !. Anyone know of estate agent with website for friend in U.K. to brouse through? Had a great evening in the bar after the England Argentina match - well done the band !
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