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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Does anyone know where in Pattaya I can get the following auto film fitted Auto Film: 3M Crystalline (3M) Auto Film: V-Kool Cerberus
  2. Hi 1234, Yes, we do receive positive comments from those that use our service, that's what becomes of being service orientated Regards your query; Absolutely not, their aim is to give you as much pleasure as possible, and any help you can give them in achieving that aim will be welcome. Papillon; That remark is in strict breach of the board rules, but then your accustomed to hiding behind a keyboard. Cerberus
  3. Gentlemen, I apologise for my recent lack of attention to your request and enquiries, I have been a little busy for the last few days. Unfortunately Ton has decided to take a furlough and is therefore not available for a while. We do however, as Evil pointed out, have one or two other adepts. Without doubt Ton was a legend, and rightly so, but I do not think any of these other ladies will disappoint. Cerberus
  4. Hi Ned Thank you we thought it was pretty good as well Ned we have crossed posts before and as you well know I have no problem with any reasoned post, by any poster, as you are well aware, even if you do not wish to admit it, there are a few unreasonable ones within the pack. As for the beer, I just like to put a face to the charactors behind the keyboard but fully understand your choice of drinking partners , but hey if you change your mind, you at least know where to find me Cerberus
  5. Apart from the hundreds of posts by interested parties and the thousands of views, we have four main antagonists, and yes I use that word advisedly, who relish spending their time seeking out any thread on the Hell/Eden Club and then trying to denigrate either the poster or one/both clubs. None of these board members have ever used either of the establishments mentioned, but of course know everything! I have taken the time to invite them to come to the club and introduce themselves, so as to give me a chance understand their anger and vitriolic attacks on something they express no
  6. Hi Mont, It was on another thread to this one, and was removed by Admin, the thread was then closed. In keeping with the board Admins instructions/advice regards this matter, I personally am not prepared to post a copy of it. Regards, Cerberus
  7. Hi makavelli, Total discretion assured, in truth the girls would be more concerned that he would approach them You are also unlikely to meet any of our ladies in the areas you mention. Hell Club ladies have private lives away from the club and like to keep their work and leisure time totally separate. Regards, Cerberus
  8. Tengotodo, A fair and personal opinion, and as I have said till my throat is sore , we are not for everyone. I fully understand where you are coming from, and appreciate both your honesty and your adult and fair manner in expressing it. Cerberus
  9. Bifcake, You are of course right, mate and hopefully you will have noticed that other than responding to specific questions, we don't, advertise that is . As for the board member Penevil, I believe it would be fair to say that he has been satisfied with the service he has received at both the Eden and Hell Clubs and is merely expressing that as a board member. When I go and eat at Bruno's, Mata Hari, Gian's etc and post comments on their service they do not get accused of advertising, should my report be a glowing one. However, if there is a question asked, what would be th
  10. Hi bifcake, There is a website for both the Eden Club in Bangkok and the Hell Club in Pattaya; www.thehellclub.com Whilst the Eden Forum can be found on Bangkok Tonight Unfortunately Pictures of the ladies are not permitted on the internet but your welcome to call in at either establishment to view for yourself, without any pressure. Cerberus
  11. There is now a music "Licence", funnily its is paid into an account in Bangkok Bank, 3,300.00 Baht I seem to remember. After payment you get a recorded delivery letter with the licence inside, nothing to do with City Hall this, Copy Right apparently although the organisation in the USA have never heard of this group nor do they have an agreement in place. The police do enforce it though
  12. I used the one opposite Soi 6/1 on second road, just because it was convenient, (I could get parked ). But they are all the same, and yes you can service them from any other branch.
  13. w3bmast3r The two banks I have used for transfers out have been Bangkok Bank, easy , and the Siam Commercial Bank, I filled in a form saying the funds being transfered were for family reasons, no problem. Cerberus
  14. I have transferred money between Thailand and UK on several occasions without any problems. You might have to jump a few circles subject to the amount concerned, but I have transferred the equivalent of 10,000 sterling from Thailand to UK without any major hic-ups. Whenever you transfer money into Thailand you should always get the bank to issue you a letter with regards the country of origin of the incoming transfer, this will assist you when it comes to transferring larger amounts out at a later date. Normally you will get a 5 -- 7% higher exchange rate here in Thailand than you will
  15. I am relieved to announce, at last, That we now have the electronic facility to accept credit cards, namely; Visa, MasterCard and Amex and any and all others supported by those three. I apologise to all that have been inconvenienced by the 3 month wait we suffered waiting for the system to be approved and delivered. It is recorded as payment to a company with no connection to the Adult Entertainment industry but one that if traced supplies Hotel accommodation, food and beverages. Anyone for dinner Cerberus
  16. Mr Hyde, Firstly thank you for a balanced response. The justification of the price is that you are purchasing the privilege/advantage of priority booking , both of ladies and rooms, and of of course the 15% off of drinks. Whilst due to both the number of ladies and rooms in Bangkok this is a very valid purchase for those that use the Eden facility on a regular basis, it could equally be argued that the same cannot be said with regards to the Hell Club at this time. However, there are still customers at the Hell Club that request this service, admittedly they are usually
  17. Mr Hyde, In the Hell club we remove the lady from any line up after that time, so she will remain in the relaxation room. You could always take out a VIP membership in either location, then it would be less complicated Cerberus
  18. Hi jrc, No, to take a lady out from 10pm to 6am is 3,000 Baht inclusive. Cerberus
  19. Hi Tengotodo, I am writing here as this subject gets done to death on the board Firstly I accept and indeed would defend your right to voice your opinion. I remain somewhat baffled however, as I cannot see the logic nor justification of such comments as the quote above or others stating "rip-off" etc. We are one of the few places that state exactly what we offer, and for how much and indeed go further by putting our money where our mouth is by guaranteeing the service. We offer no individual any reductions nor special offers, in fact we charge VIP members more for the privilege
  20. kdc1899, No, a response to a board members inquiry. If you have no need to access that information, why bother? the original member making the inquiry obviously did or he would not have asked. But I for one welcome your comments, as it keeps the thread alive come on back Cerberus
  21. kdc1899, If you are referring to Beelzebub, yes he is the manager If you are referring to me, again yes, I own it No others with any financial interest, business wise Cerberus
  22. Theram, I hope this answers your questions; Eden and Hell same service, same price THE HELL CLUB ( formerly The Eden club ) WE ARE LOCATED ON L.K. METRO NEAR THE CROSSING OF SOI BUAKHAO AND SOI DIANA Open 1:00pm until midnight. Tel: 038720739 Or; 0848690083 1 MAN WITH 2, OR MORE LADIES If unsatisfied with service, no charge. Special fantasies? Let us know. All bisexual ladies, dildo and strap on. Just show the ladies what you like. Left side of the yellow line = anal sex. All the ladies provide ora
  23. Gentlemen, Ton is still resident here in The Hell Club, and will be for the immediate future Without doubt a legend, and people have traveled the distance from Bangkok to The Hell Club in Pattaya just so as to experience her skill. cerberus
  24. Hi Guys, I should just point out that the menu above is somewhat old and out of date Marc has now retired and Bruce is now running the Eden in Bangkok, yes they do take plastic. With regards to The Hell Club here in Pattaya after some ten weeks and daily visits to the bank for the last two we are finally getting our facility to accept plastic It is due to be installed on the 16th of this month and I will update our site and posts the minute it is in and working. Cerberus PS Just been informed of an adjustment to the installation date so now the 19th as Beelzebubs followi
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