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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About sexybaaman

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    Junior Poster
  • Birthday 08/15/1969

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  1. Congrats Adam - 10 years is truly worth a huge celebration. WELL DONE! And best of luck with the coming years...
  2. Thanks! Always a pleasure to read the Monkeywatch to stay updated from far away... :-) Keep up the excellent work. SBM
  3. Yes. Opens at 11.00 AM. Walk in the shopping (half way through), take the elevator up to the top floor, pay 100B and stay as long as you want (can leave and come back)... SBM
  4. Excellent stuff! You really capture the essence of it all - it's just like taking a stroll in WS - but without all the hassle and noise :-) I cant help but to wonder what the guy with the "rock and roll"-t-shirt is thinking... Brilliant shot! Thanks a lot for your efforts. Keep it going ;-) SBM
  5. Me neither. But I kinda like the idea of a "joke" in the "where are..."-category... ) SBM
  6. 1980 - Cuban Teofilo Stevenson - 3rd consecutive Olympic gold medal, heavy weight boxing... Prediction: USA wins the basketball tournament... :-) SBM
  7. Good round up and analysis :-) My money is on NL to win it. They seem to have matured compared to the WC and now have the much needed cynisism. And what's left of the betting money will be split between Germany and Italy - two great tournament teams... Best of luck to all SBM
  8. Super! Well done :-) I like the picture of the bay the most - thinking of how it looks now from that hill... SBM
  9. Been at some Pattaya games when there (and they play home). Great fun! Adam in Cherry Bar is a sport for organising transport to and from (with stops at some bars from time to time) :-) As stated, the level is not too high but it's great fun and the fans there are really into it... I got my homeshirt at their fanshop on 3rd road. When home here in farang-land, I pop by http://www.thai-fussball.com/en/home.html for the latest. SBM
  10. Try Mike's shopping mall on 2nd road. If I remember correctly on the 4th floor (where they have sports equipment - but down the other end). They have all kinds of souvenirs and I'm pretty sure I saw the of these mats there...
  11. Go see Simon at the Irish Rovers in LK Metro. He'll make sure you "get connected"... :-) SBM
  12. Go to Irish Rovers in LK Metro. I'm 100% sure they'll show it! SBM
  13. It's located on the right side (going with traffic) on 2nd road. Go by bahtbus and if I remember correctly, it's 4-500 meters after Big C shopping center... Has a big entrance sign. And as stated above it's a bar beer complex - I guess about 30 bars.... And fun can be found there too - go on and have a ball... :-)
  14. I read about him and saw the highlights. Very impressed! Will watch their game against champion Mavs tonight and see him in action for myself (on TV ). I think he's just what the doctor ordered for the Knicks. Hopefully he will be the "wake-up-call" for NY's "stars" (I know Melo's been out) and make them come to work and reestablish NY as a contender again! I loved D'Antoni when in Suns and even in Bennetton, Italy and I would like to see that kind of uptempo basketball again... of course spiced up with (L)insane alley oops and breakaway dunks
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