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Everything posted by SlipSlopSlap

  1. Checked it out on last visit a month ago for future reference. The rooms are nice with kitchens, seperate bedroom etc. 2 pools, one out the back that looked like it wasn't getting any sun and a large pool out the front of the hotel. The biggest downer was the location. It is about a 10 minute walk to the bars/walking street, longer if trying to cross whatever is the name of that busy road. 10 minutes might not be a long walk, but i am used to staying in places like the Lek, Welkom inn, Sabai lodge etc where you have lots of entertainment as soon as you step out of the hotel entrance
  2. Hi all, Thanks everybody for the responses. Chivas - will have a look. Bazle - I'm afraid I might get a little bored, but I'm also a lazy bastard who couldn't be bothered moving :-) Cariden - considered Jomtien, but a little too far away from the areas I like to prowl. Also, I like my prowls close to the room in case I need some A/C respite or a quick shit (yes, very anal about my toiletry!) dv34917 - Excellent comments on VT6, this was exactly the sort of feedback I was looking for and will make me rethink. I have looked at the BVP site and emailed them for some prices.
  3. Hi, I know this has been done to death, but what the hell..... I am looking at a 12 week holiday next year from July - September. My stays in Pattaya have always been 2 week stints at places like: Siam Bayshore Lek hotel Welkom Inn Sabai Lodge (in that order as I worked my way down the beach!) For the longer stay I'm thinking a condo would be better (kitchen facilities - can't survive on american breakfasts and green curries for 85 days :-) and cheaper. Currently about the best option I can see is a Dancewatchers one bedroom in view talay 6 for 38000 per month plus ele
  4. Its been a few years since i stayed here, but the expat hotel http://www.expathotel.com/index.htm has a pool, is girl friendly with reasonable price (no guest fee). I'm thinking maybe the sort of hotel that charges what you are willing to spend can get a bit uppity about guests and want to charge you a guest fee?
  5. Thanks for all the info guys, most appreciated. Regards SSS
  6. Hi all, Seeing how its all about aussies in this thread, can I expand with a couple of questions: 1. Has anybody done a melb -> manila -> bangkok -> melb trip? I was thinking about checking out angeles on my next trip to pattaya. How much was it? Did one particular airline have better deals? ie does Philippines airline do better deals (do they still come to oz?) I've yet to get firm prices, but any thoughts most appreciated. 2. Money! I've always used traveller's cheques (note spelling, you septics Has anybody used Westpac ATM card with the little cirrus lo
  7. Been to Pattaya in Oct a number of times (also in Feb). I like Oct! 1. Rain is only a few times during the day, washes away all the dust and scum on the streets that has been baking away for days. 2. Unless you are going to Pattaya to soak up the sun, who cares? 3. It is still warm when it rains, so you can happily swim whether it is raining or not (I mean in the hotel pool, I wouldn't swim in Pattaya beach for a bet!) 4. Oct is still low season. I'd rather have a bit of rain than the crowds at Christmas when the nice weather is. 5. You can still move around and do
  8. Thanks torrenova. Welkom Inn is handy to nip back for a bit of airconditioning, shower, crap, dump your purchases (TGs?:-) or whatever while you are doing your prowls. It is also a bit dismal and something with a bit more luxury would be nice, so I'll see how I feel closer to the date. Thanks.
  9. Thanks, mick, I think RG will be a contender for the next trip.
  10. Hi mick, I would like your impressions of RGs location (please don't flame me about looking at the reviews etc, I know people like RG I just would like your impression) in terms of local amenities. I'll explain; I normally stay at north pattaya (welkom inn) because I like the local beer bars for afternoon entertainmet, BIG C is close, moneychangers around etc. All amenities are literally a few mins walk. And it is easy to catch a cheap, quick baht bus down to south pattaya for go-gos etc at night. I have read that RG is a little out in the boonies, but transport is easy to goet t
  11. Hi Adelaide, Pattaya is definately NOT a family holiday destination. The answer is that sex is everywhere that tourists are, because the majority of tourists to Pattaya are male sex tourists. If you want a 'straight' family holiday, go elsewhere. There are a few touristy places in Pattaya like the auqatic fun park and bowling etc, but these places are limited. More importantly, the beaches at Pattaya are dirty and not recommended for swimming (you'll see almost no swimmers there). What you will see at the beach as almost anywhere, is older, overweight males walking around hand i
  12. I agree with fishingtime. Larscharlie, learn this site, realise it has poll facilities. I have no interest in visiting sites where you get bombarded with pesky ads etc.
  13. Hi guys, A still open question. Why the green fruit Re the fruit reference, I have a feeling I read somewhere that farang sounds very similar to the thai name of a particular fruit, but I could be wrong. (Please, no flames from the thai veterens if I'm wrong :)) seeya
  14. Peteboy, Like monkeyman, I think we all have similar stories. A few years ago on a particular occasion I was introduced to the (real) sister of a bargirl I was with. The sister had an attractive young Thai guy in tow, and was splashing the cash on themselves in the bar we were in. While the sister was all over the thai guy like a rash, my bargirl, without batting an eyelid, explaned to me that her sister was back in Thailand for a short time visiting the family by herself, as she had married a Swedish guy and had moved to Sweden. I asked the sister if she had found it difficul
  15. Nidnohham, I think I have read somewhere that Katoey is slightly derogatory in the Thai language. You might want to check this with your Thai ladyfriend, she may have a more polite word. Cheers.
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