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About cannonball83204

  • Rank
    Super Poster
  • Birthday 02/26/1949

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    Pattaya City

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  1. Just saw your post for the first time. Do you have Honda PCX 150 in your inventory of rentals? If so, how much for the monthly rate and what year are they? CB
  2. That was funny as hell. I even shared it on my FB page to see what kind of response it gets. CB
  3. Dr. Olivier is who I go to when I have the need. Just Google his name, his website gives the address and hours he is open. Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
  4. Just looked at their menu and I must say it all looks really tasty and their prices are very reasonable. Hopefully they will soon be adding East Pattaya to their delivery area. I'd be more than happy to tip the delivery person to bring it to my house here on the dark side. CB
  5. Great information about the differences to help distinguish them between the two airlines. Thanks Evil. CB
  6. I'm just not going to say anything negative about that article, don't want my ass in a sling for what might be construed in the wrong way. CB
  7. One up mans ship at it's finest, did someone's little feelers get hurt? I just think it's funny as hell when grown men quibble about restaurant reviews and then it turns into such drivel. CB
  8. I think I'll mostly just hibernate in the house, get stocked up before it starts and maybe, just maybe go one day. I've done it once when Cherry Bar was still on Soi 8 and enjoyed it, but getting there on the bike was chaotic to say the least as they have no shame drenching you no matter where you are or who you are. CB
  9. This just came into my newsfeed on FB: http://www.hopper.com/deals/127981/breaking-fare-sale-from-united-has-flights-to-asia-for-as-low-as-430-round-trip Check it out and see if it will help anyone save money. CB
  10. While checking my stateside bank account this morning there were 2 unauthorized charges that I am now disputing. Therefore the bank wants to cancel my debit card and issue a new one. As of right now I told them no until I figure out what the quickest way to get a new card delivered to my address here in Thailand. I've been told FEDEX is one way, what else is there that will get me my new card in the fastest most efficient way? CB
  11. I went by there on my way to Beach Road last night. The fire was already contained and by then the bigger hazard was all the lookey loos (gawkers), which I estimated to be about 5000 and the 200 plus police and police volunteers trying to keep traffic flowing. What a mess, I'm surprised that there weren't any reports of serious traffic accidents in that area. CB
  12. Just wondering if you are still in business? You haven't posted much lately. CB
  13. Ok, if and when you do, please PM me. Thanks. CB Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
  14. I'm just wondering if you have any used bikes for sale. I'm living up country and really don't want to pay retail for a new one. However, if you have one that is in really good condition, I might be interested in coming to Pattaya to take a look at it and possibly buy it. Thanks, CB
  15. I am confused about the METV that goes into affect Nov 13. How does that affect a normal tourist visa that is obtained when going through passport control at the airport? Is it true that the tourist visa has been extended to 60 days on arrival for US citizens? Any clarification of my confusion would be greatly appreciated............Thanks in advance. CB
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