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About Chauncy_Pembrooke

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    United States
  1. It's obvious to you, me and everyone else except cecco what the problem is. Why don't you just break the news to him when you both meet for the drinks?
  2. I've got a phobia about sleeping on top of the dried pussy juice of women and because of my sexual techniques the women always flow. If the sheets are changed daily how much would that add to the cost if I was staying at the Rockhouse? The rooms look very good.
  3. The bars are using the same warning system as when the cops are heading into their bars cecco when they see you lumber towards their clubs. They flash those lights and all the good ones hide in the back and the second stringers take the stage. By the time you squeeze through the entrance you're too late. Try wearing a smile occasionally around town and stop complaining about every little thing in the bars when you're out and about. It might make a difference in how good a time you have. Just a suggestion and all.
  4. Dear Mr. Alexist, Because of the kind nature the administrator who goes by the abbreviated name of "MM" seems to have, there is now an edit function available to me. That question at least to me is now moot. But other new members to this board can possibly learn about the mysterious "edit function" that had me baffled when trying to have Ms. Stentworth go back and correct an error on an earlier post. Her error, I hasten to add! After being given access to the more muture discussions and subject matter in the restricted area, let me assure you my secretary will not be taking any more di
  5. Thank you for clarifying your original post regarding the air conditioning Mr. Weaver. It is my problem (and one that has plagued me for much of my adult life) to at times focus on a minor point to the exclusion of the major one. Please accept my sincere apology. For me to assume you were too lazy to get up and change the setting on the A/C was presumptuous of me to say the least. But at least when you went back and reread your original post, you were able to understand where I jumped to the wrong conclusion. My mind focused on what to me was an obsessive desire on your part to secure a hotel
  6. Thank you ben99 for that amusing post. But in all seriousness I think you hit the nail squarely on the head with point #1- Saves the monger hauling his sorry arse out of bed. I took the liberty ben99 of changing two letters you transposed in the word "arse" but left it with the British spelling which you obviously intended. I resisted the almost overwhelming urge to replace it with "ass." Getting back to Mr. Weaver and his request for a remote control for the A/C here is his original post which he told me to reread after I questioned him about the A/C remote control matter: Aug 3 2007
  7. After reading Bullfrog's reply I see that it's basically everyone for themselves in this section. So I went to the search function and found this: Editing Posts Above any posts that you have made, you may see an 'Edit' button. Pressing this will allow you to edit the post that you had previously made. When editing you may see an option to 'Add the 'Edit by' line in this post?'. If you tick this then it will show up in the posts that it has been edited and the time at which it was edited. If this option does not appear, then the edit by line will always be added to the post.
  8. Weaver I reread your post several times trying to understand why it is crucial for you to find a hotel with a remote control for the A/C. I can understand wanting a remote control for a T.V. but putting an A/C remote control at the top of your list as a requirement for staying in a hotel has me stumped. Wanting a hotel with new air conditioning would certainly be a consideration if one suffered from asthma or other problems of this nature. But what a remote control has to do with the cleanliness of an A/C, or for that matter the frequency of it being cleaned, has me perplexed. What if the
  9. Is there a way to edit a post? I don't have the time to wade through a FAQ. After dictating a message to my secretary for her to post here, I noticed a mistake when reading it later on the board. Who ever heard of someone "using warm water and warm soap?" Clearly my response to the young man who asked for suggestions to fix his "sour shoulder" should have been "warm water and soap" but will he indeed try to heat up a bar of soap? Would I be held liable if he was to burn himself? Would the liability possibly even extend to this board, since the edit function is clearly not featured prominently
  10. If you would, please let Chris know in advance when you will be dropping in so he can make arrangements to be away. Thank you.
  11. Are you the gentleman I saw being fork-lifted out of the Residence Garden in May? May I suggest some brisk morning walks rather than slices of pizza for you, young man? ?
  12. How much of the distasteful meal did you leave on the plate? Also write down the name of the restaurant in Jomtien next time so you can fill in the gap here. Thank you.
  13. Weaver surely you are not so lazy that you cannot get up and walk a few steps to adjust the A/C. Consider it your exercise when on holiday in LOS.
  14. Surprising that everyone is suggesting massage for this problem. A good scrubbing with warm soap and warm water is your best bet. Maybe a drop or two of cologne on your neck will help if this is a persistent problem. I know how you got your name of Odense. Is your last name One, by any chance?
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