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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by maik

  1. My beautiful Thai car has been stolen! Now she is being driven by someone else 😒😒 😁😁
  2. I have bought myself a new car from Thailand. It runs superbly and is wonderfully beautiful. In general, I think that Thai cars are far more attractive than cars from my home country, Denmark. Moreover, I must admit that I would never have been able to acquire a Danish car at this level – and certainly not one as new as the one I imported from Thailand. In fact, I had never had any luck with Danish cars. In my nearly fifty-year life, I have owned only a few, and those I did own, I was only able to keep for a short time. Among my friends and acquaintances, I had developed a reputation for
  3. Lak Muang is next to Grand Palace and you have to wait some years before SkyTrain goes there. But you can take BTS SkyTrain Silom Line to Saphan Taksin station and from there take the River Express Boat to Grand palace Pier. From there you walk the short distance to and along Grand Palace to Lak Muang. Or else take a taxi. But don’t use tuktuk in Bangkok.
  4. I can see Cadence Cycle Pattaya showed this picture on Facebook April 25 2024
  5. In the past I also used Venture Bike but it did not survive corona. Since I have been looking for another place to rente a bicycle but have still not found any πŸ˜–πŸ˜’
  6. Some love David Lynch' film - other hate them ... I like Mulholland Drive a lot - I don't have to understand af film to like it.
  7. The owner of the car will say too often 😁
  8. Pattaya Beach was not better in the past - at least it had less sand.
  9. DALL-E has placed me in a futuristic Blade Runner-style universe πŸ˜€
  10. Bali Hai disgrace! When was this dreadful building erected? My oldest picture is from 2014 and I remember there was a time when the disaster didn't kill the view. Tear it down.
  11. In the Scooter bars (Soi LK Metro and Soi Buakhao) they play a lot of old mod music - including Motown.
  12. The old gate had much more charm then the new one.
  13. Police Station Beach Road - Soi 9
  14. Therefore, no one misses pets 😁
  15. When you want to show Tourist Sites at and around Pattaya there are an important place I miss – Khao Chi Chan Buddha, Buddha mountain.
  16. It is sad to see the old Walking Street Tree today. When I look at my old pictures I can see it has not always been this way.
  17. Over time, I have taken quite a few photos of the Ganesha shrine on Soi Buakhao. They show that the surroundings have changed. But the shrine is still there, and it will likely remain for many years to come.
  18. One and a half year ago I took these pictures from the same aria. At that time there was a more open view from South Pattaya Road. In the past they were seen everywhere in Pattaya.
  19. Soi Buakhao Sutus Court from Soi Buakhao Sutus Court from the backside LK Metro Sothern part of Second Road just before it hits Third Road. This picture is from the daytime. But after dark this aria is full of freelancers who offer their service to Arabs (and Indians). The language is English. I heard a lady said: β€œ1000 baht” to an Arab. But I didn’t hear the question he had asked her πŸ˜€ Xzyte spirit houses Mirror Club – a relatively new Gents Club behind Big C at Pattaya Klang Mirror Club at Facebook: https://w
  20. Soi Buakhao The neon is looking good – but Walking Street don’t have the same vibe as before Keep a good health – Jomtien Beach Just before sunset Phra TamNak 5 There use to be a lot of Family Mart in Pattaya but they are all gone. Many of them are now Tops Daily.
  21. Night market Udon Thani is the traffic quietest major city I have visited in Southeast Asia. Cars and motorcycles don't even run red lights πŸ˜€ Thai-Chinese Cultural Center The shopping center, Central Plaza Not far from the shopping center are the bus station – sometimes with freelancers hanging around in the neighborhood Day & Night Two sisters – 20 and 25 years old
  22. Chinse temple Day & Night in the daytime Nong prachak park City museum - not open
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