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About tuba

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    United Kingdom

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  1. I love this bar for its convenience, baguettes and English brekkie. Oh, and cheap beer too.
  2. I top-up my 49 baht 1-2 Call sim inside any 7/11. My last visit (and top-up) was sometime Jan 2014 and my sim will still work on my next visit in May.
  3. I'm all in favour of renting a 'run down condo' as a new expat this year. I've stayed in military accommodation so I'm ready for the luxury!
  4. I've booked Etihad early May next year for £460. Going with Emirates though 2 weeks today. Both from London.
  5. I used this bus last time and managed to secure the very last seat (No 36 i think). I don't assume now that there will definately be room and may have to wait an hour for the next one. Good service though for 134 baht.
  6. Just back from 1 month stay and ate in Maleez Lodge restaurant many times. Good Western food, Thai and Indian, all good prices.
  7. Malezz Lodge is very nice and good value but my fav Indian food has to be Tikka Center. Opposite Soi Honey on Soi Bua Khao.
  8. The safe boxes are in a locked room behind reception and you need to ask for the room key from reception staff. The pool is very nice but closes about 6pm and the beds are rock hard. Can't beat the location though.
  9. I thought it was a lovely littlle pool and I had many dips with my LT. I used it at night (as it doesn't close) so not sure how much sunlight it gets. The water was very warm though.
  10. Used to be Le Katai and I think has been refurbished? I ate there a lot last trip cos I stayed across the road at Opey. Good grub and they do some great daily specials (no girl included, unfortunately). Nice bar next doors at Place to Be.
  11. Good idea, I'll try that in Dec. It's my favourite eating place in Patts but the Indian TV they have on is pants!
  12. J & P Court on Soi Lengkee is cheap 'n cheerful. Good eating places close by too.
  13. I'm arriving via EVA next week and I'm booked on the 1800 bell bus. I like not rushing around on landing and I don't even mind if the immigration queue is a bit lengthy! I normally nip to the supermarket just outside the airport (about 100 meters) and buy a few tinnies to lessen the wait. It saves 900 baht on Mr T (assuming 100 baht tip).
  14. Some great pics there. I'll be staying at the top of Soi Lengkee in a couple of weeks and everything you need is really handy. And a short bus ride to WS too.
  15. I've always had good food there myself, each to their own I suppose.
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