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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About hugobronson

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    Hell, without you. But i'm waiting on your arrival.
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    cash only.
  1. I hear some thais put chewing gum across their teeth to filter the nasty stuff as it goes down. I also hear they are using a water filtered (bong-type) smoking device to reduce the cough. Just heard, dont know if true. This is true. I get it a bit in both places. I drink shitloads of water, ice tea, juice...anything but coke or fizzy shit. It seems to help. Drinking booze and sleeping with mouth open and aircon on is the main contributor I have found.
  2. Just get a Huawei. or go to http://www.tinydeal.com/ Solve all your problems. They are all made in two or three factories anyway. This isnt a big secret: the factories will make you a phone and badge it with your brand. They are all the same. I have a 'kogan' and every BG I meet thinks it is a Samsung. $100 Cannot beleive grown men worried about a phone. geez.
  3. Hi, Unfortunately I spent a year locked up in Japan. Strict but civil. We had massive bath houses; the Japanese, whites and blacks bathed on separate days. So the Japs wouldnt get offended by the cock size they told me. haha. It was just us gaijin didnt know how to bathe properly. The food was good but never changed. I go into Japanese restaurants and the quality is the same; it makes me sick. Rice, stewed beef, pickles and miso. Lunch was iced bread rolls. Dinner the same as breakfast. If you fought you got locked up and beaten. No different from lockups in Australia except the food w
  4. Poles. Dick Smith, anything between $100-150. Stuff over $200 is only good if you wanna take special stuff. Canon or Nikon $99 work fine. It is called long shore/short shore drift. The sand in Pattaya is being deposited somewhere...I dont know the geography well enough to tell you. A few massive tides and the right winds may bring the sand back. Someone mentioned Rayong? Check the local Rayong sand for knives, condoms, beer bottles, German tourists and food wrappers; if you find any of these that is where the Patts sand is going. Unless there is a big sand bar about 50 meters off
  5. 2500 in a taxi. On the ground in less than 2 hours, Thai girl on my pole in less than 3. Do it, you only live once mate.
  6. http://www.vipboxoc.co/ never fails. It will give you 2-3 options to watch. A few pop-ups, just close them. Sometimes takes a bit to load. Can be grainy, but if you are desparate to see the footy it is OK. Does most sports and asian cable channels. Some boxing some UFC rubbish. Good for Super 15 and NRL during Aussie winter. Cheers
  7. HI. Most of the meat imported into Thailand is brahman, usually from australia. Leaner and tougher than colder climate cattle. Also, most of the "meat" you eat in Thailand is buffalo - leaner and gamier than beef cattle. Most of the beef raised in thailand will be brahman or buffalo. Hard to find a bos taurus breed as it is too hot for them in thailand.
  8. Old fashion recipe using fresh quality ingredients, cured to perfection in our special traditional brine." Grandpollo is correct on all counts. In copywriting brevity is key. But, the wording is trite and cliched. Old-fashioned quality, cured to perfection. Quality ingredients, cured to perfection. Take a bite... think of home. A line doesn't need to explain the meaning if life (or pickles). Don't be nonsensical, but I think meaning could be construed by anybody. What they construe is up to them. "Visiting relatives can be hard work." How do you read that? It depends
  9. Hi atlas2. I suspected as much. I think people aim to make or save money. That is not a crime punishable by shooting squad, I beleive. But, then again, I also believe most people are stupid. I think the death penalty should apply for that. But I like to drink, so I am a hypocrite. I still think Scorpion is worth 18months behind bars though.
  10. That question is out of order. If he visits Pattaya he obviously lives in Fantasy Land.
  11. haha. Cheeers. It is a good board with some good info. Most BGs seem to know the buffalo joke. They appreciate the effort to understand the culture haha cheers
  12. My favourite joke from a bargirl this year - I buffalo is standing under a mango tree. A mango falls to the ground and the buffalo starts to run away. Why did the buffalo run away? To get the salt. The best part of this joke was she told me in Tagalog and half the bar translated for me. It took about 15 minutes to tell the joke. When i finally laughed the whole bar laughed at what a funny joke it was... As i staggered from the bar, and for the next few days, i thought often to myself "Why the fuck did that buffalo run for salt?" It really annoyed me i couldnt get this s
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